Yay your here! Now get me the hell out of here!!!!

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I land on the ground, and shake the sand out of my hair and look at Beni. "What just happened?" I ask confused. "All I remember is him turning into a blast of sand and then I remember nothing." He replies just as confused. We then hear a plane over head and look up. Imhotep transforms from the sand into himself again and unhinges his jaw and opens his mouth to an inhuman size, a massive wall of sand rises up out of the desert and moves towards the plane. "Stop it! You'll kill them!" I protest, as Imhotep grabs my arm and pulls me close. "That's the point" Beni states in a duh tone. The wall swallows the plane so I begrudgingly grab Imhotep's face and kiss him, turning him round so I can see the plane. I smile and quickly stop when I realize that the wall of sand has disappeared. I quickly wipe my mouth disgusted that I actually did that willingly.
I follow behind Imhotep into the underground cemetery. I stop when I see a big hairy rat scurrying through the mausoleums and over the gravestones. Beni shoves the rifle into my back again and pushes me forward. "Keep moving" I glare at him and say "You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance." Worry moves across his face, "Always?" I smirk "Oh, yes.Always." Beni looks more worried. A gunshot echoes into the cemetery as we step up to a strange alter. I smile as Imhotep scowls, 'they better have a good plan' I thought as Imhotep picks up a canopic jar and crushes it to dust, starts reading from the Book of the Dead. Then blows the dust against a mausoleum wall. The wall starts to come alive, I stare wide-eyed. Two forms emerge, horrific mummified corpses. They bow to Imhotep, then turn and move down the passage where the gunshot came from.

Imhotep prepares the altar while speaking in Hebrew. Beni holds his gun at me, my hand itching to take out my knife and stab him, he starts translating. "Prince Imhotep wants your heart" "Well I'm flattered but it's already taken." Imhotep keeps speaking while laying the four jewel encrusted canopic jars next to the shattered one. "He wants your heart, your brain, your liver, your kidneys............. and how do you say? Those slimy things in your stomach?" "Intestines." I say, "Yes them." I turn furiously towards Imhotep. "You only want me for my organs?! Asshole!" He looks at me and grins then backhands me. I black out as I hit the ground.

*Time Skip*

I wake up, I move to rub my eyes when my arms are restricted, I look up to see I'm chained to the altar, I turn my head and see a rotten mummified face. I scream. I try to reach to get my knife to try to open the lock with it only to have no such luck. I stop when I see more mummies surrounding the altar. I'm lay there horrified as the kneel and begin to chant, only to sound even worse do to the lack of tongues, jaws and mouths. Imhotep steps forward with the Book of the Dead and strokes Anck-su-namun's decayed face. Imhotep begins to read from the Book of the Dead, a large swirling hole starts to open in the detritus bog. I lay there in shock, amazement and horror.

Imhotep still reading from the book as the mummies rock backwards and forwards chanting. I struggle even more now. The strange mist wafts up out of the swirling hole and over to the sacred jars, it passes through them and into me. I jerk as it felt like I was electrified. The mist them passes through me into Anck-su-namun's body. Her eyelids suddenly open, I stare at her in disbelief. Her head turns to face my own, I freak out as she looks at me with empty sockets. Imhotep stands above me holding an ancient sacrificial knife. "With your death, my love and I will be invincible!" He raises it above my chest. About to plunge it down when Rick, Evie and Jonathan burst in. Imhotep turns to face them, Jonathan beams like a little child as he holds up the golden Book of the Living. "I found it Sky! I FOUND IT!" "You're here I GET, NOW GET ME OUTTA HERE!!" I yell. Rick grabs an ancient sword and jumps up over the mummies, they shot chanting and the mist disappears.

Imhotep steps forward and Rick strikes the sacrificial knife out of his hand. Imhotep shouts a command and mummies stand up with swords and knives in hand, they attack Rick. "Jonathan oped the book! Open the book! That's the only way to kill him!" Evie shouts as she tries to help me get the chains off, with no luck. Rick fight his way over to me as Evie goes to help Jonathan, "We can't open it! It's locked or something" Jonathan shouts "The key! Where is the KEY?!" Evie shouts to me. Rick cuts a mummy in half and cuts one of the chains off. Imhotep grins and rips the key off and shoves it into his inside pocket, then picks up a sword and walks towards Evie and Jonathan. "What do i do SKY?! What do I do?!" He shouts. "Read the inscription on the cover!" I scream to him. Rick swings the sword again now I have one arm and one leg free. But soon mummies tackle him to the ground meanwhile Evie stares at the on coming Imhotep and Jonathan starts translating the inscriptions but his ancient Egyptian is awful "Rashi, rashi?" . "Evie he needs your help there!" I shout at my little sister, she runs to Jonathan who is backing up through the cemetery, clutching the book staring at Imhotep as Evie starts translating. "Rashi muno, rashi muno kaska", she says as Rick gets me free, suddenly a door opens and mummified warriors, with shields and spears, and other weapons walk through. They march forward then about turn into a straight line raising their weapons. "Oh yeah. This just keeps getting better and better." Rick says as he raises his sword and I grab my knife, "Do something Jonathan, you can command them." "Me? You have got to be joking" Jonathan says, looking at Evie as they back up into a wall, "Finish the inscription on the cover idiots, then you can control them."

"Right" Evie says as a light bulb goes off in her head, she grabs Jonathan's arm and drags him round the corner. I turn back to Rick "We could use an idea" we back up as they advance,when a hands turns me around, I am met by the sight of Anck-su-namun, I jump back only to miss being stabbed, Imhotep commands the warriors telling them to fight Rick. I hear him scream then have it returned by the mummies. I run away from Anck-su-namun, "Hurry up Jonathan" I shout, dodging another oncoming attack. "We can't figure out this last symbol." I hear Evie shout ' that's a first Evie doesn't know something' I thought "Well. What does it look like?!" I shout back while holding Anck-su-namun's arm from stabbing me. "It's a bird." "It's a stork" Evie corrects Jonathan. " I get slammed into a wall by Anck-su-namun, she puts her hand around my neck, chocking me I put my other hand on hers trying to pry it off, while still holding the knife. "Ahmenophus!" I get thrown to the ground by Anck-su-namun. "Ho tash mi ahmenophus" Jonathan shouts. I get hit in the face by the handle of the knife. Evie then shouts a command to kill Anck-su-namun. Just as she has me pinned and about to kill me the warriors turn the corner, and advance on the now retreating Anck-su-namun and kill her. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Sky I've got it!" I run to my siblings "Can you handle this?" I say turning to Evie. "Yes" I run to where Rick's sword landed grab it, and then run to Rick as he lands from Imhotep throwing him across the room. I stand in front of him facing Imhotep who grabs me and Rick by the neck chocking us, whilst lifting me off the ground. Imhotep roars at us and unhinges his jaw "I've got it!" Evie shouts. "Kadish mal kadish mal para dous para dous." She recites. Looking to my left I see a blue carriage approaching, Imhotep see this too and throws Rick and I separate ways. The carriage takes a blue Imhotep in the carriage, Imhotep runs after it for it to disappear. I stand in front of my siblings only for Rick to roll over and take the sword saying, "I thought you said it was gonna kill him?!" Imhotep grunts running towards us. AS he walks into Rick, Rick stabs him with the sword. "He's mortal" I say as Imhotep backs into the black water thing, sinking and turning back to his once rotten state. "Death" "Is only the beginning"

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