Keeping my promise

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Jonathan races his convertible through the streets honking constanlty,I'm sitting between Rick and Jonathan, Evie is in the back with Daniels. My duffle bag on my lap, I start loading my guns then stop. I turn to Jonathan and Rick "What took you so long, while he was violating my face?" "We got there as fast as we could" Rick explains. "But you still had time to get the cat, and let Evie out? I mean if you did get there as fast as you could I wouldn't have been kissed by that undead scumbag" Evie hits my shoulder as Daneils leans forward and says fearfully "Shut up! Just shut up! We gotta do somethin'! We gotta do somethin' NOW! Before it's too late." We race into the driveway of the museum of Antiquities.

Evie leads the way through the museum, with everyone following behind. "Last month I came across an inscription that mentioned the Book of the Dead." She says, "That book we found at Hamunaptra?" Daniels questions. "Yes I dismissed it because it talked about bringing people back from the dead. A notion I was unwilling to believe." "Believe it sister.That's what brought our buddy back to life." Rick comments followed by Jonathan saying. "And now he's going to use it to bring his girlfriend back." "And if he succeeds, the two of them together will bring about the apocalypse." The Curator joins Evie at her side as she heads up the stairs us in hot pursuit. "The plagues we have seen so far, are merely Imhotep flexing his muscles. Only at the moment Anck-su-namun's resurrection will he truly be invincible. We reach a display case and Evie quickly opens it. "I'm thinking that if the Book of the Dead can bring people back to life...." She starts then realization hits me as I say "Then perhaps the golden Book of the Living can return them to the Underworld." "Exactly" "So you're saying that if we find the book made outta gold" "And read the sacred incantation contained inside it." "You think it'll send this guy back to hell?" "Correct and that's when..." The Curator is interrupted by loud chanting coming from outside. I rush to the window the others following and look down and see a large crazed mob covered in boils and sores. "It has begun. The beginning of the end." Ardeth states. "Not quite yet it hasn't C'mon. Evie lets find the book of the Living." I say and follow Evie back to the display case.

The banging on the doors can be heard as Evie and the Curator sort through the broken pieces of stone tablets. I watch patiently. Finally Evie pulls out a large piece. "Got it !" She exclaims. The banging on the door get louder and some windows shatter. Evie talks to herslef while quickly translating the tablet. "Since the Book of the Dead was found inside the statue of Anubis, then according to this, the Book of the Living should be inside..." Evie smiles. " What?" Rick asks, "What?" Jonathan asks, "What?!" Both Daniels and myself ask. " The Book of the Living is inside the statue of Horus." Evie says. "Which would be located not far to the East of Anubis statue" The Curator says " I know where that is." I say and then Rick say what is on everyone's mind "Don't tell we gotta go back out there?" "If we want to kill this creature then yes."

Two boil and sore covered men charge out of a doorway screaming. Rick and Ardethgrab them and chuck them over the railing. The men fly thorough the air and land on the lower display cases. The front door suddenly burst open and the crazed mob pours into the museum. We turned and hauled ass across the balcony and down the staircase. Jonathan turns up in the car we jump inside. 'Huh I didn't notice he was gone' Beni comes out of the museum and sees us then shouts "Imhotep! IMHOTEP!" Imhotep looks out the shattered window as we peel out of there. Rick point at Beni and says "You're gonna get yours pal!" We hear a shriek and the crazed mob starts chasing after us.

The convertible hauls ass down the narrow bazaar street. People start jumping out of stalls and leaping onto the car. We start to fight them off but more jump on, so Jonathan swerves the car into some stalls, knocking them off, but not before they open the back door and yank Daniels out. I fall backwards only to have my hands caught by Rick and Ardeth, who pull me back in. I look back to see Daniels shooting at them and then being circled. We turn the corner and then hear a blood curling scream. 'Rest In Peace Daniels' I thought. We slowly motor down narrow alleyways, Jonathan driving, Evie and the Curator beside him and Ardeth, Rick and I in the back. We all are staring out the front windshield. Freaked-out.

Then suddenly one of the hideous ghouls crashes through the windshield. Everyone scream and Jonathan hits the gas only to crash into a wall. Rick grabs Evie and Ardeth grabs me, shouting "C'mon.C'mon. Let's go. let's go." We all leap out of the car and an angry festering mob quickly surrounds us. Rick pulls out a stick of dynamite from my duffle bag, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a match. He looks around for a way to light it, then reaches and strikes it across Ardeth's stubbly face. He yelps, and Rick holds the lit match near the fuse. The mob stares at Rick with insane bloodshot eyes. The crowd parts and Imhotep steps through followed by Beni. Imhotep is fully regenerated. Evie stares at him and mumbles "He's gorgeous" we give her a look then Rick yelps and drops the match and light another across Ardeth's face to which he yelps again and glares at Rick. The Curator shakes his head. "He has consummated the curse, now all he needs to do is rise Anck-su-namun from the dead, then it will be the end of us, and the beginning for them.

Imhotep moves forward heading right for us until Rick lights the fuse and stops, watching the fuse burn down. It was a game of chicken, the lit fuse is about to vanish inside the dynamite, blowing up. Evie quickly blows it out. Rick exhales noticeably but keeps his eyes on Imhotep who extends his hand to me. "Koontash dai na." Beni translates " Take his hand and he will spare the others." I think about it hesitating, looking around at the huge bloodthirsty crowd surround us, hold picks, axes and scimitars, waiting to pounce. Then at Imhotep confident, powerful, invincible. I look to Rick, "Any bright ideas?" Talking through gritted teeth he says "No, sorry fresh out." "Great" I mutter. I then turn to Evie placing my bag in her hands turning to face her I take out my two pistols from under my shoulders, then the one around my waist, I look up to her face she knows why I have to do this but doesn't want me to, I then put the elephant gun in the bag and take out a small knife and noticeably put it in my cardigan, where it wouldn't be seen. I sigh and turn around and reach out to take his hand. He stops me and Beni comes and pats me down, I glare at him and Imhotep, Jonathan,Ardeth and Rick reach out to stop me but I turn round and look at them and say to Rick and Ardeth "I'll buy you as much time as I can, get my brother and sister out of here 'cause if anything happens to them I'll kill ya." "Skylar don't do this..." Jonathan starts he never has called me Skylar before except when mum and dad died. "Jonathan I have to I made a promise to mum and dad to keep you two safe and I intend to keep it until I die." I say to him not looking him in the eyes.

My hand trembling Imhotep take mine in his and nothing happens he smiles, and pulls me into him, I struggle not comfortable with this."Keetah mi pharos, aja nilo, isirlan" "Come with me my princess It is time to make you mine forever" Beni translates, I give him a glare and says "All eternity jackass" I look at the other and say "You better think of something because if he turns me into a mummy I'm coming after you three first" I say looking at Rick, Ardeth and the Curator. They almost smile "Got guts lady" Rick says " I know and I'd like to keep them" Imhotep suddenly reaches forward and rips the key out of Jonathan's upper jacket pocket. "Hey that's mine" he says before trying to get it back only to be held back by Ardeth. I nod at him in thanks and then nod towards Rick, who looks like he is going to do something stupid. Imhotep starts pull me away. "Skylar" He shouts as he struggles in Ardeth's grip. Ardeth says something to him that I can't make out. The crowd once more parts for Imhotep "Pared oos" He says. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I scream trying to get out of his iron grip. Beni smiles "Kill them" Imhotep finally over powers me and drags me out of their line of sight. "Skylar" I hear someone scream.

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