We screwed up. I need answers (Part 1)

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I was sitting at the bar getting drunk with Jonathan for once, when Rick comes over and joins us. A big fat guy staggers over to us and says "Ever since the end of the Great War, there hasn't been a single challenge worthy of a man like me." "I've heard it all before Winston" Rick says and shoves him away. Winston staggers over to me and Jonathan. "I just wish I would've chucked it with the other laddies, gone down in a flame of glory, instead of sitting around here, rotting from boredom and booze!" Not in the mood I shove him of towards another group of drinkers. Henderson and Daniels sidle up to the bar next to me, I nod at them then make another round of shots for everyone and pass them out.

We clink the shot glasses together, then slug 'em down, instantly we all spit out the liquid along with half the bar. "That tasted just like....like..." Henderson trails off."Blood" Rick finishes. We share nervous looks as Jonathan recites "And the rivers and waters of Egypt went red and were as blood." "He's here." I say and jump up and run out of the bar. "Who's here?!" "The mummy" I say running a random direction. As Rick runs the other way and says "The Priest with Beni. The MUMMY." "Damn you Beni" I shout and follow him. Lightning flashes as we race across the compound. Panic stricken I knock some soldiers out of our way and shout "Evie, Evelyn! Evelyn!!!!!"

We find her in her room picking up some books, Rick's hand grabs her and she jumps and drops the rest of the books. She sees us breathing hard, "We've got problems" Rick says. Hail and fire starts slamming into the courtyard. We jump then start following Rick again as he dodges people and camels coming from every direction. "He's here! I saw him! That thing is here!" "The creature are you sure?" She asks him. "Pretty sure!And he is here with that weasel Beni" I shout and gesture towards the hail and fire. Suddenly it stops and everything is dead quiet. I freeze then hear a blood curling scream above us and race up the stairs with my pistols ready.

I race into the room and skid to a stop as I spot Burns, or what is left of him, lying dead on the floor. Body shriveled to half it's original size, I continue staring at it until someone runs into the back of me. Evie, Rick and Jonathan stare at Burns shocked like I had been minutes before. We hear a loud moan and they snap out of their daze and notice with me,Imhotep standing on the far side of the room. Rick decides now is a good time to draw his gun. Imhotep is regenerating, skin,bones, everything, well almost. He opens his mouth to an inhuman size and moans. And then it's over. He looks like an incredibly muscular, corpse like vision from hell.

"We are in serious trouble" Rick and I utter at the same time. He starts moving towards me. "Back off creep" I say through gritted teeth. He keeps coming, Rick opens fire followed by myself joining in. The bullets rip through his body but Imhotep doesn't seem to notice. Henderson and Daniels run into the room and are shocked by the sight of Imhotep. Rick step forward and throws a right hook and punch Imhotep in the face, but his fist goes through his head and gets stuck deep inside his head. He stares at his fist in his head then at everyone else, shocked. He quickly yanks it out, the area where his hand was previously quickly degenerates and decays right down to the bone, as if his hand infected it.

He grabs Rick's shirt and throws him effortlessly across the room and into the us, with the force Rick hit me, I flew into the wall and hit my head. With black spots clouding my vision I get up slowly to see him look at the hand he grabbed Rick with, it started to shrivel away. He walks up to Evie who backs into the wall and says "You saved me from the undead." Then turns back to me, as I lean against the wall trying to clear my vision. "I shall make you immortal" he says to me, as he leans in about to kiss with his decayed face. When thankfully a white cat jumps onto the piano beside me hissing. Imhotep shrieks and the balcony doors blow open and he spins into a blast of sand and swirls out the door. Gone. We stand there transfixed I walk away from the wall only to sway on my feet to be caught by Daniels. "Thanks" I say to him and try to stand again only to sway again. Daniels puts his arm around me and holds me up and says "You hit that wall hard huh?" Henderson kneels next to Burns, shriveled body horrified. "The curse. The curse." I felt Daniels stiffen.

I push myself off Daniels and steady myself before taking off across the Ramesseum. "Where are you going" I hear someone shout. "To get some damn answers" I shout back at them."There's only one person Sky and I know who can possibly give us some answers." I faintly heard Evie explain before coming to my side. We round a corner and come upon the Curator, who is talking to the man we learn name is Ardeth Ray from the Medjai "You" we shout at the same time. Rick and the Americans pull their guns, while I slowly make my way across to sit down somewhere as Ardeth scowls. The Curator nods his head and says "Miss Carnavons, gentlemen." "Question: what is he doing here?" I ask holding my head. "Do you really want to know or would you prefer to just shoot us?" The Curator asks "Guys" I say whilst I motion with my arms to put the guns down. Rick uncocks his .38. "I just saw my hand go into some guy's head." He slides his gun away and continues " i'm willing to go on a little faith, here" "You'll not believe it" The Curator says. " Try me"

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