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Evie and I walked out of the tent were so local women graves us some clothes, we started looking around for Jonathan but most likely I think he is somewhere drinking or stealing. 'Its not like he hasn't left us before to go drinking or stealing.' For once I was surprised that he was were we left him with O'Connell who got the camels. We heard a commotion coming from a tent and the warden running out being chased by a man. 'Ugh poor women' that's all I could think.

*time skip*
We were on camels in the middle of the frying pan; the endless, sunbaked Sahara. " Never did like camels. Filthy buggers. They smell, they bite, they spit. Disgusting." Jonathan comments as the warden savagely attacks a chicken wing then spits out some gristle. O'Connell and myself watch him. "Yeah, disgusting." Rick says while I state "I couldn't agree more" Evelyn is having the time of her life on top of her camel and having no idea what we are talking about says "Well I think they're cute." I just shake my head laughing. Evie starts to ride alongside Rick having what I can only presume is a very interesting conversation as Evie is waving her hands about animatedly.

*time skip*
Evie and Jonathan are sound asleep, their heads bobbing comically to the rhythm of each camel. On the camel next to him, the Warden snores loudly. Rick and I were up front "You can go to sleep you know?" "After what happened last time I doubt I'll sleep soon. And there's those guys again" I say pointing up at the men in black. "What do you mean?" Rick speaks in curiosity. "I was here before, my.. um well the people I was with they were all killed by those men and in other weird ways. I meet their leader, the men in black, we fought but I don't know something was different about him. A-about them I mean, it was like they were trying to prevent a war or something. I don't know it's hard to explain." I shake my head. "Don't worry about it I just came to keep them safe." I nod at my sleeping siblings.

The dawning sun hasn't yet crested the distant horizon as Jonathan and the Warden ride alongside a giant sand dune. "And you snore!" "I do not snore!" "All night you snored!" "I have never snored!" I faintly heard from behind as O'Connell is talking to Evie about being almost there. O'Connell looks down at the ground. "Pretty sure." I say. The others at me then look down and see dozens of skeletons sticking out of the ground. Bleached and eaten away. Some of the skeletons look like they're trying to crawl up out of the desert floor. "Other seekers of Hamunaptra." The warden shudders.

The American Expedition rides out from behind the far end of the dune. The Americans are accompanied by two dozen native diggers and an Arab Egyptologist. 'Come on all we have is the stupid warden' I thought bitterly. The ratty man rides lead on a camel, the rest ride horses. "Good morning, my friend!" O'Connell just nods. The two parties come to a stop a hundred feet apart. I turn and stare out across the endless horizon. The ratty man and Rick do the same the Americans look puzzled. "Get ready" O'Connell says. "For what?" I sigh and say "We're about to be shown the way." The ratty man,whose name I learnt to be Beni, stares at me bewildered. "First one to the city O'Connell five hundred bucks." I think Burns said. I hear Evie scoff at Beni and when I look back she looks a little flustered. "If we win I get have right?" I asked joking, looking over at him. He smiles back and I could swear I saw a glisten in his eyes.

Far off to the right, a huge shape begins to rise with the sun. A volcano. The Americans take off. Racing towards the rising volcano. Evelyn and Jonathan give O'Connell anxious, sarcastic looks. "Ah, begging your pardon, but shouldn't we be going?" "After all, you rode us night and day to win that bet." I sigh again at my brother and sister, O'Connell doesn't say a word, staring hard. The man stares at the Americans and spits into the sand. "Fools." 'Couldn't agree more' And then suddenly, the volcano shifts across the horizon. Passing across the sun as it goes. The Americans crash their horses to a stop and race the other way, after the volcano. Evelyn and Jonathan smile, amazed. The volcano shifts again, floating across the watery horizon. The Americans crash to a stop again and chase after the volcano. All three of them confused and cursing. We just stare, waiting. The volcano shifts again. And the Americans crash to a stop again. Burns is thrown from his horse. Henderson angrily rips his hat off and chucks it to the ground. Daniels just curses as they give up the chase. The volcano comes to a stop on the far left of the horizon. The Americans are on the far right. Nothing moves. A beat. And then O'Connell and I grin. So does Beni. 'Yeah I learnt what they are called.' We share a look. And then swat our camels and race away. Everybody else hauls-ass after them. And then Evie and I come galloping up, hair flying in the wind. Beni takes out his camel whip and starts whipping O'Connell. Trying to knock him off his camel. once. CRACK! Twice. CRACK! But on the third try O'Connell grabs the whip and jerks Beni off his camel. Beni slams to the ground and tumbles. We race across the desert. Evie LAUGHS. O'Connell shouts "Evelyn! Slow down!" Evie ignores him as she races up the ramp towards the gate. "SLOW DOWN, EVELYN! SLOW DOWN! THERE'S A REALLY BIG..." I shout.

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