Chapter 3.4

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A. Go and have dinner at 'Fanshiresutoran o sonyu'

B. Just have dinner at the Aquarium canteen<--4 votes

C. Go home and have dinner there

D. Stay at the aquarium a tad-bit longer


"It's still 5, so we can have dinner here!" Izuku deducted looking at Katsuki for confirmation, Katsuki thought for a bit and nodded his head, it seemed easier than going to a restaurant when there's already a canteen here.

They slowly walked towards the canteen holding each other's hands more comfortably, with Katsuki even slowly rubbing and squeezing Izuku's hand as a form of comfort and Izuku loved every moment of it but he knew that Katsuki doesn't even know he's doing that, based on the absent minded look he was showing.

With their pace, it didn't take long for them to get to the canteen and they thanked the world that there weren't many people inside. "I'll go order food and you find us seats." Katsuki instructed and let go of Izuku's hand immediately missing the warm and rough hand around his.

Izuku nodded missing the soft hand but got to work and started looking for the perfect spot. Katsuki got in front of the counter and looked at the menu handing above. He found it a bit ironic how every dish they served involved fish considering they were at an aquarium.

"What would you like to have-Wait-You look familiar...have I seen you somewhere before...?" The cashier- who was incredibly short and had the official ugliest purple colored hairstyle (that looked like there were balls attached to his skull) he's ever seen- asked. Katsuki merely shrugged, he's sure he's never seen the cashier in his entire life.

After a few more suspicious looks from the cashier, he finally got his order after countless denials of Katsuki knowing the Cashier. Katsuki held the food tray filled with rice and countless fish dishes that he ordered in the whim, then looked for Izuku.

Sitting alone, Izuku spotted Katsuki looking for him so he waved his hand to catch the blonde's attention. Katsuki saw Izuku waving at him with the stupidest-charming-dumb-smile in his face making Katsuki's heart beat a tad fasted than it should.

He walked towards the corner where Izuku sat and placed the food tray then sat down next to Izuku casually. "Sushi? At an aquarium?" Izuku asked laughing a little, picking up a sushi roll with his chopsticks, "Everything in the menu is sea food." Katsuki explained, "And if you ask me, that's pretty ironic- I wonder if their fishes see their brethren getting cooked in the kitchen." Katsuki lightly joked slicing the belly of a grilled fish.

Izuku hummed in response and put the sushi roll in his mouth slowly chewing it to see what it'd taste like while Katsuki did the same with his fish meat.

"Hmm...It's plain..." Izuku swallowed the sushi roll not feeling satisfied, "Of course it would be- We're in a canteen- not a restaurant, here try this grilled fish it's super plain too." Katsuki absent-mindedly raised his chopsticks (holding a piece of grilled fish) to Izuku's mouth which Izuku happily took a bite off.

He chewed for a bit and came to a conclusion, "That's worse than the sushi rolls!" He lightly laughed, Katsuki nodded his head as he silently chewed the sushi roll Izuku was talking about, "I can make better dishes than this for sure." Katsuki said looking smug and proud, "You know how to cook? I thought you were a fashion designer?" Izuku asked curious to know more about his childhood friend.

"Cooking is easy, My cooking is better than anything you're hermit ass has ever tasted." Katsuki said confidently, "I'll show you how good I am when we're not busy." He casually promised while eating the plain dishes of the canteen, Izuku smiled brightly at Katsuki's promise, "You swear?" He asked looking like a puppy, Katsuki narrowed his eyes in doubt by Izuku's behaviour but he nodded anyways.

Then Izuku did something that he never expected would happen, "Pinky promise?" Izuku raised his pinky looking at Katsuki with shiny eyes like he turned back into a child, Katsuki nearly choked then and there but he luckily lived. It took him a moment to regain his cool but as he was about to insult (his typical response) Izuku, he couldn't possibly live seeing Izuku's happiness get crushed by his rejection...

So with a deep breath, he shakily raised his pinky and intertwined his with Izuku's pinky,

"Yubikiri genman, uso tsuitara hari senbon nomasu" ("Finger cut-off, ten thousand fist-punchings, whoever lies has to swallow thousand needles.")

They said in unison staring deep into each other's eyes as if, if Katsuki breaks his promise he'd actually have to swallow a thousand needles.

"Are you happy now?" Katsuki whispered sounding annoyed but Izuku knew he was far from being annoyed. Izuku grinned like an (-charming- Katsuki's words) idiot and nodded his head happily which Katsuki scoffs at and backs away from Izuku continuing to eat and Izuku followed.

Katsuki stared at how Izuku ate his meal regardless of the taste and couldn't help but get lost in thought;

Even though both Izuku and Katsuki have certainly grown up, Katsuki couldn't help but notice Izuku's childish habits from since they were children, like how Izuku would eat slowly but will always inevitably get some crumbs on his face, How he forgets to blow on his food before putting it on his mouth immediately causing his tongue to burn, and how he'd leave his favorite food for last-

"Umm...Is there something...on my face...?" Izuku nervously asked his freckle covered cheeks turning red which snapped Katsuki back to reality, "Oh- Uh- wipeyourmouthdumbass-" Katsuki replied at a fast pace that Izuku could barely understand it but he did so anyways.

"You know- This reminds me of when we were kids, whenever we ate you'd always space off and stare at me eat." Izuku reminicized laughing lightly, "And you'd always say there's something on my face." He smiled sweetly making Katsuki's heart nearly escape his chest.

"Well I wouldn't have had to stare if you didn't always get food in your face every time." Katsuki pointed out trying to cover up his red face with his words, Izuku laughed and agreed with a pleased hum.

Katsuki would be lying if he said he didn't miss this, talking with Izuku, eating with him, laughing with him and just being around Izuku in general, why did he throw all of this away again...ahh yes...when he realized that he'd have to take over his parent's company... it pressured him for his young age and got cocky with his position as a CEO's son making him worry about who he surrounds himself with.

He pushed away someone amazing from his life merely because of his position in power and it sickened him thinking about it, just because he assumed Izuku was someone of poor background, that doesn't excuse his HORRIBLE behaviour towards Izuku.

Come to think about it, he hasn't apologized for that yet, so with an idea in mind, he planned to cook Izuku the most delicious meal that man will ever taste and give out the best apology Izuku will ever hear! The best in every aspect for Izuku, BUT that doesn't mean he likes him or anything! At least...that way...

"Kaachan, you're spacing out again." Izuku said trying his best not to chuckle, again, Katsuki jolted back to reality. "And this time, I'm sure I don't have food in my face." Izuku grins, Katsuki scoffs and smirks back.

"So what are we gonna go now Deku?" Katsuki asked feeling full despite how plain the food tasted. "Hmm...I can't really decide...what would you like to do Kaachan?" Izuku asked.

A. Check out 'Fanshiresutoran o sonyu' 

B. Walk around the streets 

C. Go home 

D. Insist Izuku decides where

While the two were thinking, they were unaware that a certain cashier had been spying on them, "Oh my god...That is definitely Midoriya and that Fashion Designer Bakugou! I'm so glad I recorded them." He whispered looking at the video he filmed, it was when Katsuki carefully fed Midoriya a piece of grilled fish.

"Posting on social media, right...NOW."


Consequences of Reader's choice:

+ Katsuki and Izuku got closer

+Katsuki now has an idea about what he wants to do for Izuku

=Their relationship will have some exposure on the internet

-None so far...

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