Chapter 7.2

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A. Roller coaster

B. Observation Tower<---18 vote

C. Merry go round

D. Snack some more


Katsuki looked around, spotting the observatory tower not far from them, it's odd to see one in an amusement park but he's not complaining, "How bout the observatory tower, it'll be fun." Katsuki pointed at the observatory tower's direction, Izuku nodded gently, "Sure!".

The two made their way to the tower, disregarding their cotton candy stick in the way. They paid for entrance and made their way in, "Seriously, we're just gonna watch the scenery, why is it so expensive to get in." Katsuki ranted quietly so only Izuku could hear his anger.

Izuku chuckled, "They need money Kacchan," Izuku says back, "No point in making everything expensive, nobody could buy anything..." Katsuki continued ranting, the two walked up the stairs, a few people also on their way to the top.

Katsuki walked next to Izuku, casually holding the other man's hand so they don't get separated, definitely no other intention behind that...

When they finally reached the top, Katsuki ran ahead, enjoying the breeze from the open walls (of course with fencing around it), Izuku followed behind, smiling softly at Katsuki's excited attitude.

It was getting late so the sun was just setting, the sky were colors of blue, violet, red to pink, blending together harmoniously, and soft white clouds scattered beautifully around the sky, creating a beautiful image that would leave anyone in awe. Izuku and Katsuki made their way to the fence so they could get a better view.

Thanks to the attractions' lights, they looked like the stars in the ground, compensating for the lack of stars in the sky. Katsuki leaned forward on the fence, just basically draping himself on the fence as he stared at the view and enjoyed the breeze that gently ruffled his hair.

Izuku rested his arms against the fence, also enjoying the view, even taking out his phone from his bag so he could take a picture, he took a few snaps at the scenery making his way towards Katsuki's side profile, stopping for a bit in awe.

Izuku has seen all kinds of jewelry thanks to his work and many beautiful things but nothing can beat Katsuki. From the way his spiky blonde hair swayed against the wind so gracefully, the long blonde eyelashes that could touch Katsuki's cheeks if he closed his eyes, soft naturally slightly pink cheeks but reasonably sharp jawline, and finally to Katsuki's soft plump red lips that glowed thanks to his light skin color.

With a quick snap of his fingers, he took a picture of Katsuki's side profile with a fond smile on his lips, Katsuki immediately turned to his direction after hearing a click from the phone with an annoyed pout, "Don't take my picture without permission nerd." Katsuki scolded.

"Sorry, you just looked too beautiful and I couldn't resist." Izuku bashfully explained, hiding his mouth with the phone shyly, Katsuki's face felt hot from all the blood that went to his head at Izuku's words, "Stupid Deku! Give me the phone!" He demanded, face red.

"Ehh? Don't delete the picture!" Izuku raised the phone up to the sky so Katsuki would have a harder time reaching up for it, 'Tsk! Bastard.' Katsuki angrily got on his toes, reaching for the phone, holding Izuku's shoulder for support so he wouldn't get off-balanced, face against Izuku's broad chest as he tried to get the phone away from the man's hands.

They struggled for a while, lightly laughing from being childish until Katsuki finally gave up, "Fine fine! I won't delete my pic but let me at least get a pic of you too!" Katsuki negotiated, face hiding from Izuku's sights by resting against Izuku's chest.

Izuku hummed and gave Katsuki his green phone that had the new matching penguin key phone on, he and Katsuki won. "Hold still." Katsuki instructed and angled the phone to get Izuku's best side. Izuku does his usual shy smile and does the peace sign, since he doesn't really know how to pose for a pic.

Katsuki snickered at Izuku's awkward pose but he didn't really mind, "You dork." He giggled, Izuku taking offense, childishly pouting his lips, "How am I supposed to act then Mr. Photogenic." He asked, hands on his hips, Katsuki rested his hand at his chin thinking for a bit, "Smile but don't show your teeth, raise your chin and angle your head to the right and look down at the phone. Maybe put a hand on your hip and the other resting at the side." He briefly instructed.

Izuku nodded, not actually expecting an answer, but he did what he was told to do anyway.

Katsuki had to take a second from the change of atmosphere from Izuku, Izuku always has this cute charm from his shy and friendly personality but he undeniably looked hot for acting aloof and indifferent. He takes a few pictures, even going as far as doing different angles.

Izuku's face turned red from all the attention, "I think that's enough pictures, Kacchan..." He shyly said, posture breaking. Katsuki huffed, "Why in the world are you even a CEO? You'd do better as a model." Katsuki clicked his tongue, Izuku only laughed, "You'd be a better model then my by a mile Kacchan." Izuku said back.

Katsuki lightly punched Izuku's shoulder, "Oh shut up." he said with no venom, a small flattered smile on his face. Izuku really is the only person in the world that could get him to act so blushy and he hates it (not really lmao).

Their attention finally went back to the view, relaxing and just enjoying each other's company without saying a word, if they could come back here in the future... because they are genuinely married... that'd be nice.

The two decided that since it was getting late, they went to their final stop of their date, the ferris wheel.

It was even better that the night sky was out so the view from above looked fantastic thanks to the lights underneath.

Katsuki and Izuku sat opposite each other, talking about the view and then after a while, they went quiet. Thinking of what to say next.

A. Talk about their contract marriage

B. If they had fun today

C. Wait a minute, this is a real date right?

D. ...


Sorry for the reupload! There was a mistake and I just couldn't help but quickly fix it, hope you guys don't mind hehehe, update coming soon don't worry

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