Chapter 7.1

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A. Haunted house!!<---25 votes

B. Roller coaster!!

C. Snack booths!!

D. Shooting games!!


Katsuki smirked, "Haunted house." He answered with a hint of excitement in his tone, Izuku gulps, "Really? Ahh... They're scary..." Izuku chuckled nervously, "That's the point nerd!" Katsuki holds Izuku's bigger palm and drags the nerd with ease to the haunted house.

It looked like any other haunted house Katsuki's seen but he still liked visiting them purely for one reason, scaring the scarers inside. From a very young age he never believed in ghosts or the supernatural so it was difficult to scare him so one day when he was in a haunted house attraction, he ended up scaring the scarer by accident and felt powerful, hence he started to scare the scarers that come his way and laugh at their shrieks.

But by the looks of Izuku, he probably is a lot more easy to scare, as if that isn't obvious enough.

They entered the dark room, filled with fake cobweb and even fake dried blood on the walls and floor, light only being provided by a bunch of candles around the room. Katsuki took the lead, taking the first step with Izuku close behind him, holding the hem of Katsuki's shirt.

Honestly Katsuki found Izuku adorable at the moment, his nerd is still a crybaby and a scaredy cat after all. "Ka-Kacchan, don't leave me..." Izuku whined lowly, voice shivering, "We haven't even reached the scary part." Katsuki pinched Izuku's freckled cheek with a small fond grin.

Izuku pouted childishly and took a step closer to Katsuki, eyes darting around the room as they walked deeper into the attraction, the red hue of the candles disappearing the farther they walked. Engulfed in complete darkness, even Katsuki was beginning to feel nervous, he has to admit, this attraction is one of the better ones he's visited, usually a try hard ghost would appear the moment they enter but this one is taking their time with the scares.

Making you nervous for anticipating a scare that has yet to come...

"EeeeeEE!" Izuku jumps forward and hugs Katsuki from the back, nearly scaring Katsuki himself, "What the f*ck nerd?!" Katsuki yelled, "So-Something touched my b-back!" Izuku said with teary eyes that Katsuki couldn't be mad at, the blonde clicked his tongue, "That's just a part of the attraction coward, come on!" Katsuki reassured aggressively and continued walking forward with Izuku now stuck at his back.

Muscular arms wrapped around his chest and a head resting on top of his blonde head, Katsuki's heart beating loudly against his chest. For someone clearly buffed, Izuku sure can be extremely adorable.

They got jumped by a lady in white with a bunch of red splatters and long black hair, screeching as she chased the two of them, Katsuki even feeling startled while Izuku ran for his dear life screaming the whole time until they finally lost the 'ghost', now in another room, with a doll staring at them as they walked giving Katsuki the shivers.

He has to give props to this attraction for being able to unsettle even him...

Izuku was basically crying as he held tightly to Katsuki's hand and Katsuki giving the shaky hand reassuring squeezes from time to time as they walked. They went through a few more jumpscares which all succeeded in getting a scream out of Izuku and Katsuki scaring them back a few times.

Whenever they got chased, Katsuki would run while laughing and Izuku would run screaming right behind Katsuki while tears escaped his eyes.

Finally they got out of the attraction, Katsuki laughed the whole time, Izuku panted for breath, throat a bit hoarse from all the screaming. "Kacchan...!" Izuku whined childishly, pouting at Katsuki who was laughing at his misery, "I can't help it, you're such a scaredy cat!" Katsuki said in between breaths from all the laughing.

Izuku's face turned red, embarrassed with how cowardly he behaved, he was always scared of ghosts and the supernatural unlike Katsuki thanks to his mom's stories.

"Well, that's done! Do you want water Kacchan?" Izuku clapped his hands, trying to divert the subject, Katsuki shook his head, "You need it more than me from all your shrieking." Katsuki snickered, face red from all the laughing, Izuku sighed, flustered and drank water from their bottle, taking Katsuki's advice.

After drinking Katsuki grabbed the bottle away from Izuku's hand and took a drink as well, "Ah! Refreshing." Katsuki sighed and put the bottle back into the bag, "That was mine..." Izuku muttered, Katsuki only stuck out his tongue playfully.

They walked around the amusement park, taking selfies together and munching on the small snacks, just enjoying each other's company.

"Kacchan look look, it's a sheep plushie!"

"Looks like someone I know."

"Eh? Who?"

"I'm with him right now."


Katsuki was eager to try out every shooting game there was with Izuku playing as well, determined to win the prizes they set their eyes on, they already won pairing penguin phone keychains, a small sheep plushie, some biscuits that they didn't want and a fake toy sword they won by random. 

"Kacchan what should we do next?" Izuku asked, taking a bite of his pink cotton candy, Katsuki hummed in thought, also chewing his own pink cotton candy.

A.  Roller coaster

B. Observation Tower

C. Merry go round

D. Snack some more 


Yikes this chap is pretty short amiright? Their date is pretty fast paced cause I want to get to the next plot point thingy soon hehehe, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <33

Stay home and stay safe <333

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