Chapter One

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Shayla's P.O.V

Its been two years now with out my mom and dad . I miss them so much . But , i guess today is the day that I find new parents . Today is adoption day . The day where everybody goes down stairs and people adopt you . I have been here for about a year and a half now and still haven't been chosen into a new family . I probably wont get chosen again so there is no point in me going downstairs or packing my belongings . I am just going too sit in my room and look out the window at the rain . At this time I would usually be outside since I hate being cooped up in this orphanage all day . I have no friends here so I mainly play by myself . Suddenly there was a knock at my door . " Shayla , come downstairs please . There are some people here too see you . " A voice said from the other side of the door . The only thing that was going through my head at that moment was ' Who would want me ? ' ' Who could want me ? Nobody knows me here . I guess i should go see who it is .. '

Matt's P.O.V

All the boys and I are sitting in the living room watching tv and are on our phones . A ad had popped up on the tv for a orphanage talking about how there are kids there that have had harsh life's and have no parents and that we could be their new parent today . The commercial made me almost cry . I stood up and said " Today is the day ! " Everybody looked at me with a confused look on their faces . " That is what we need in our lives ! " They all still looked confused . " We need too adopt a child ! Think how lonely and depressed those little adorable kids are ! We could change somebody's life ! What do you guys think ?! " Everybody exchanged a look of approval . " What are we waiting for ?! Lets Go ! " I Said . We all stood up and climbed into the van . Carter started to lecture me about how much work and time and love it takes too take care of a kid . He went on and on . After awhile of his talking I tuned him out like I usually do when he starts too talk too much . We finally arrived at the adoption center . I was so excited I ran out of the van and inside . When we all got inside we talked too the person that ran the place . I told her that we want a girl that is at least 5 years old . The kind lady handed us folders of girls that were around the age of five . I found the perfect one ! She was the prettiest little girl I had ever seen and I could see the hurt in her eyes . I just had too adopt her ! " I found the one ! " I yelled . Everybody jumped at the sudden noise . I laughed a little at how I had startled them . They all looked over at the folder I was holding . It held all the information about the little girl . It read :

Name : Shayla

Age : 5 years old

Birthday : April 10th

Height : 4'5

Weight : 95 Pounds

She was perfect ! The lady had asked " Whose last name is she going too have ? " We all looked at each other " She looks more like Matt and could pass as his daughter soo ... " Nash said . " Espinosa it is then " I said . The lady wrote my last name down then went and got her from her room I am guessing . The boys and I waited for what had seemed like forever . Finally the kind women had came back . " She will be right down " she said . " I would just like too warn you guys , before she comes down . Shayla's parents died in a very bad car accident when she was only 3 . When they died she was sent to go live with her aunt and uncle who beat her for the fun of it , Shayla ran away because of it . We found Shayla in a ally way late at night one night . It was very cold and she was starving . She has had a pretty rough life so , now she is very shy because of it . She may or may not say much when she comes down . " When she said that too us I felt heart broke . People like that make me sick too my stomach .

Shayla's P.O.V

It took me a minute to go down stairs . I was still trying too process what was happening . Was I about to get adopted ? Or were the lunch ladies just wanting me too come clean the kitchen again ? Either way , it was a win . At least I was going to be able to get out of my dull room on this rainy day . I finally walked down stairs too see these 5 guys looking at me . Too me they looked kinda young , around the age of 16 - 18 . " Hi , I'm Cameron " " Hello , I'm Nash " " Wussup , I'm Carter " "Heey , I'm Matthew " " And I'm Taylor . " They all said too me one by one . " Hi , I'm Shayla " I whispered back . I was shocked too see that my day had finally came . I heard Mrs . Kimberly tell me too go upstairs and pack because the boys were going to take me with them . I ran upstairs too pack . I was so happy . My suitcase was so full I had too jump and sit on it a few times which kinda made me giggle . When I was finally packed I went downstairs and waited till everybody was ready . When everybody finally was I said goodbye too Mrs. Kimberly , I was going to miss her a lot . She was the only person that was actually nice too me . She was super sweet . It was time for me too leave . Before walking out the front doors I turned around and said my last goodbyes . All I could think too myself was " Wow , I have a family now and hopefully this is my last time seeing this place " I shut the front doors and walked too the van . I was the happiest little girl I knew ...

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