Chapter 1

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I was starring at my hands. In that moment, I was the definition of bored. The therapist was just talking, not even caring if I was listening or not. Did it really matter, though? He was paid to talk to his 'patients' about all that shit and if they weren't listening...well it was their problem. He was paid to rant about socializing, talking to others, communicating, and admitting that you have delusions.

That was one of the main reasons why I was there. My parents thought I was delusional. But they didn't know anything. If anything had been unreal, I would've known. I was in control of my mind, so I knew what was going on inside it. Human brain couldn't have possibly been that complicated, right?

I could hear the clock ticking. I'd always hated the sound. But at that particular moment it was good because at least I knew that my current therapy session was going to end soon and I wasn't stuck in that little room forever.

"Gerard?" Mr Philips called, tilting his head slightly with one eyebrow higher than the other.

"Hmm?" I answered unenthusiastically.

"Are you listening to me?" he snapped with his harsh voice.


He shook his head. I knew that it meant he was disappointed, but I didn't really care. I was saying what I had to. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes, then put them back on and opened the folder. That one particular folder which answered all my questions. Generally, this question: what had happened to me? I had no clue.
The folder felt as if it was a mystery to me. And I needed to see what it held inside. Mr Philips hid the folder as he noticed I was looking, generally planning to piss me off that day. "Are they still there ?" he asked with a look of concern on his face which I was sure was fake.

"They?" I asked, though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

He sighed. "Those demons? The monsters?" I could bet if I hadn't been there he would've made air quotes for the word 'demons'.

"Oh no of course not! They disappeared over night! Really? Is that what you expect?" I asked trying to sound as sarcastic as possible. He was no different, as he assumed those were oy delusions as well. Just like others. But he was wrong. They were all wrong. I remembered how I shivered every time they got near me. They were always in the corner of my room, looking like shadows with real body features. They'd been there every night since my mind allowed me to remember. Surprisingly, They had left me alone one night, and it felt kind of...weird. Not that I liked them, but I was rather just used to them. I liked it toxic, just as known.

"No Gerard, but I expect you to take the pills I give you and at least tell me that you see them less often." he said in a serious manner. It all just reminded me of how much I actually disliked this man. I'd never liked any of my therapists in fact, except for one that met a tragic ending after a while of us getting to know each other. All the therapists felt so dull, except for her. She give off the blackish adultly vibe. She was pretty decent compared to the others. But Mr Philips was one of those who enjoyed wandering around on my nerves all the time. He didn't even believe that I saw those things. He thought they were just in my mind. But they weren't. They were real.

"Well I'm gonna see you next week again as you know and I expect you to take your pills an-"
"And tell myself that they're not real and I'm just a delusional crazy guy who is alone and always will be with no friends to help him out."
I interrupted him rudely, capable of caring less, as long as it satisfied my intense need of letting my feelings out.

"Oh Gerard, you'll not be alone if you just listen to me and take those pills."

"Yeah whatever."I snapped, standing up from my seat to leave the room without a goodbye. If he believed that this was all just a joke he needed to think twice.

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