chapter 7

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They were all gathered in Sasuke's living room, and had settled on watching some random movie on tv, while they were waiting for the Japanese food they had ordered

It was quiet, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

Sasuke was laying on the far end of the sofa, texting with Sakura, Kiba was on the carpet on the floor, laying on his stomach, as he boredly looked at the screen. Itachi was next to Sasuke, and Shisui, and Naruko was squashed again, this time though by Menma, and Rock Lee.

He had been practically attached to her hip since Itachi's arrival, much to her and Menma's annoyance. He had glared daggers at the boy, and sent him some menacing stare, though it wasn't helping at all, and the hyper boy was blissfully happy to have the chance to be so close to his Naruko.

Shikamaru was dozing off on the love seat next to the couch, and Neji had left with the excuse of an important family dinner.

"I really hate the way they killed the real Dragon Ball. It's so, disgusting the way they tried to just transform it into some typical action movie" Itachi spoke, and Naruko found herself smiling at his comments. The movie was Dragonball Revolution, and though everyone hated it, they couldn't be bothered in looking for something else to watch.

"I second that" Kiba nodded, and Menma hummed his approval.

"Yes, seeing Goku as a high school student is quite depressing, especially turning him into a loser who is being bullied on"

Shisui sighed, he had actually forgotten how much he hated it.

"Well, it could be worse" Naruko said, earning the curious glances of everyone in the room.

"How?" Itachi asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl, she immediately grinned back at him, her cheeks slightly reddening.

"They could have made a sequel"

Itachi blinked at her 'that was really a smart answer' he thought, this girl just kept surprising him. He was really interested now.

"See? Now that would be worse, two lame movies would be too much for the world to handle"

"Yes, I guess you're right" he beamed at her, and she simply smiled shyly at him.

She was blushing so much, she actually thought she could've caught fire. What the hell was wrong with her? That obviously hadn't gone unnoticed by the bowl cut haired boy, that glared at Itachi, who faked inot seeing it. Rock Lee was jealous, and Naruko absolutely oblivious of the feelings she was stirring.

Menma though noticed, even though he was busy with his phone as well.

"Well, I wished the dragonballs really existed" Kiba said while he rested his head on his hands, completely ignoring the suddenly tense atmosphere in the room.

"And then what? Go for a magical adventure with your stupid mutt to retrieve them?" Sasuke teased, raising an eyebrow at dog breath.

"Hey! Akamaru would be a better company than you at least!" The brown haired teen answered, offended by the way he had called his loyal pet.

They were interrupted by a light knocking on the door.

"Sasuke get that" Itachi ordered his brother that answered giving him the middle finger.

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