chapter 17

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Naruko had just walked inside her house, and as she was taking off her shoes, her mother jumped out of somewhere with a big grin on her face, scaring the life away from her daughter, that screamed in fear, clutching her chest.

"What the hell mom!" Naruko glared at her crazy parent as soon as she was able to catch her breath.

"Who do you think it was? A ghost?" Kushina waved her daughter's fears away with her hand, really, it was late morning who else could be in the house, if not her and Minato? Naruko was such a scary cat sometimes.

"You shouldn't scare people like that!" The blonde girl pointed her finger at her mother, that rolled her eyes at her, snorting loudly.

"So, how did it go?" the red headed woman nudged her in the ribs a little too excitedly, and Naruko raised a brow at her mother, wondering if she was feeling all right, she was even more hyper than usual.

"How did what go?" the girl raised a brow, really what was up with everyone acting so strange? It was almost scary.

"The sleep over at the Uchiha's! duh!" Kushina answered as if it wasn't obvious what she meant. After Mikoto's phone call she had patiently waited for Naruko to get home, she had even managed to keep the secret from Minato, who was making lunch in the kitchen unaware of his wife's plotting, and she was glad as she heard him sing softly in the kitchen.

"Mom, you know this is not the first time I stay over at their house, why should this time be any different?" she asked trying to keep her cool and will away the blush that was risking to make it's appearance on her cheeks. She had to stay calm and act as if nothing had happened. She didn't want anyone of her family to know about the blooming relationship between Itachi and her, and preferred to keep it for herself. She already knew her mother would make a big deal out of it and her father would go into his despaired father phase. She still remembered when at thirteen she had casually confessed of having a crush on Kakashi- sensei, she was unaware of what a reaction that would cause. Her mother had laughed for days, Menma had been too horrified too speak about it and her father….Minato simply stared at her with teary eyes, whining about why his little girl had to grow up, and glaring daggers at poor Kakashi everytime he met him, that didn't understand why his own mentor was giving him the cold shoulder. That had lasted until Naruko declared, after a few weeks that she wasn't interested in him anymore and that boys were a nuisance. After a few months, Kakashi had introduced the family to his boyfriend, Yamato and the family had gone back to normal,

"Well, excuse your old mother for being curious"

Kushina stuck her nose up as she always did when she was offended, every other second then.

"Mom, like I said this is not the-"

"I know, not the first time" her mother cut her off, and Naruko raised her hands in an obvious gesture.

"But, this time Sasuke's good looking older brother was home, did you get to meet him?" Kushina smirked maliciously and the blonde girl let out a strangled yelp of surprise, and her cheeks this time betrayed her turning beet red under her mother's stare, her eyes widening as she realized that her mother had caught her, Kushina was a master in reading through her, and she was just being too obvious, that she slapped her hand on her forehead, cursing softly.

"Naruko? Is there something you want to tell your mommy?"

Kushina leaned closer, a big smug look on her face and her arms folded, made her rather intimidating and Naruko was well aware that at that rate, she would be telling her mother everything in detail. She was a scary woman, that was sure, and it was almost impossible to hide something from her.

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