chapter 25

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Itachi woke up, his eyes adjusting to the dim light that came from his shutters, that had stayed slightly open letting some sunrays in, illuminating the room, and the blonde girl cuddled against him, her body was nestled against his, one of her arms around his waist and the other under her head, fist closed tightly, and her legs were tangled with his under the covers, her shirt was lifted on the side showing the bronzed skin and a perfect hipbone.

Her face was relaxed in her sleep, her loose hair covering half of it, and her mouth open with a faint trail of drool on the angle, that made him smile tenderly. She was so peaceful, he almost felt bad at the thought of waking her up. He combed his fingers through his own long locks, trying to detangle them somehow. Sometimes he wondered if it wouldn't be easier to just cut them, but he loved his long hair too much to actually do it.

Itachi gave the girl a look, she was beautiful and even more tempting in that position, it had been hard for him to fall asleep with her so close, he had spent a good half an hour trying to convince his body to relax, and it had been a hard task. He had managed to fall in a slumber, lulled by her soft snores slowly relaxing him to sleep.

He tried to slip out, softly, but her hand reached for his arm, taking a hold of his it, and he heard her groan softly.

He reached over, to check if she was awake, and raised an eyebrow at her eyes still shut tightly, studying her face. It hadn't changed much, but if possible her expression looked rather annoyed even in slumber, he grinned, shaking his head as he tried to move again, trying gently to detach her small hand from him, but the result was another annoyed grunt, and she finally opened her eyes, revealing the hazy azure orbs, that almost looked dark as his in the dim light.

"Ne Tachi…it's hard to sleep when you're trying to sneak out"

He chuckled, turning to meet her eyes, they were stunningly deep, and always managed to draw them in and make him lose himself in them.

"I didn't want to wake you, I am a morning person" he reassured her stroking her warm cheek with the tip of his fingers.

She groaned, snuggling on his side comfortably looking up at him with a frown.

"You know you don't have to go to work, you can sleep in a little bit" she protested, tugging on his arm, and he raised an eyebrow. It always surprised him how comfortable they were around each other. He didn't like to compare his relationship with Naruko with the one he once had with Izumi, but he couldn't avoid remembering how shy they had been around each other, almost awkward, even when they had become more intimate Izumi never clinged to him so freely, always limiting her touches, and it almost felt forceful those rare times she did do it, not that he was any better, he had always hated physical contact unless it was necessary, so he was sure that was the reason Izumi was never comfortable around him.

Naruko though, she was completely different. Once she had got over her initial shyness around him, she had started to act more relaxed and that implied that she felt free to do what she wanted, touch him, when she felt like it, not minding his initial reaction, and slowly he had got used to her affectionate ways, and craved them when they were together, and slowly, he had started to reciprocate her actions, seeing how happy it made her, he wouldn't deny her or himself the pleasure. That was it after all, being with someone it implied you let go of your inhibitions and be yourself around that person and that was how it was between them. It was special, and he would do anything in his power to preserve it.

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