chapter 34

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"My head…it hurts so damn much." She hissed hiding her whole face with the pillow, there was too much light in the room, Itachi had apparently decided to open the damn shutters while she was asleep, the damn sadist.

She had woken up because of the stupid light almost blinding her, and she had cursed so loudly, she was sure Itachi had heard her, wherever he was, before another question troubled her not so awake brain. Why was she even in his bed? at his apartment? She didn't remember what had exactly happened the night before, well apart from her indulging in sake a little more than she was used to.

It made her feel terrible, not only because of the horrible hang over, but also because she wasn't the type of girl that could be seen drunk in a bar, it had never happened before, and she was embarrassed, although, she reasoned, there wasn't really anything wrong in having fun with friends, she was almost in college and she had the right to have some fun, but what would her parents think if they knew? She had never seen Minato anywhere near alcohol, and her mother barely drank wine, she knew they wouldn't be happy if they found out. Jiraiya her godfather would be proud but she sure didn't felt very proud of herself at the moment.

What about Itachi, what would he think of her?

Would he think she was an immature stupid teenager? Or would he understand? After all, she was sure he had also done some stupid things during his college years, just that she wasn't around to witness it, so she couldn't use that to her advantage if he said anything.

Ashamed she covered her whole body with the covers when she heard footsteps approaching, she had to yet meet the Uchiha that morning, he had slipped out of bed earlier, and she didn't really feel like facing him, and meet his disappointed look. She almost had a heart attack when she felt the door opening and closing, and those steps get closer to the bed, her hang over didn't help, every sound she heard, made her head pound in pain, although Itachi was trying to be quiet.

The noise stopped, and she held her breath, if Itachi thought she was sleeping, he might leave her alone.

"Naruko get out from under there, I brought you something that will make you feel better" His voice was low with a tint of amusement to it, that made her swell her cheeks with a pout, aware that he couldn't see her.

"I'm sleeping!" her voice was weak and muffled by the sheets, she cursed, realizing that she shouldn't had answered him if she wanted him to believe she was really asleep.

"Ah ha you almost tricked me" he said, raising the covers, a sly grin on his lips as he met her blue clouded eyes, and pouty lips, as she curled in a ball on his bed, covering her eyes with her hands.

"My eyes… you evil man!" she screeched, sending an evil glare at the man.

Itachi huffed, chuckling at the sight, a hand on his hips, as he stood there watching her.

"Your evil boyfriend brought you some coffee and aspirin, here it will make you feel better" he sat at the edge of the mattress, handing her a mug of coffee, and she wrinkled her nose at the strong scent.

"Ugh…I don't think I can hold it down" she warned, her stomach felt so empty, but so sick still.. she didn't really feel like eating or drinking anything.

Naruko groaned, sitting on her knees scooting closer to the Uchiha, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I feel terrible Tachi" she whined and he tilted his head to rest against hers.

"That's what happens when you get drunk"

"About that…are you…mad at me?" she asked hiding her face in his shoulder.

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