chapter 22

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Naruko knocked at the hotel door, Shikamaru right behind her, was silently hoping no one would answer, so they could leave and he could go back to bed, not to add, Naruko was seriously starting to scare him a little bit, she was standing there, her hands on her hips and a fierce expression, as she looked at the door, he didn't dare let out a sound, or she might think of using her karate moves on him too, seriously, he was too lazy to bother with that.

Itachi would have his hands full with her, he really was starting to feel a little sympathy for the Uchiha, not that he would ever tell Naruko.

The door opened, revealing an annoyed looking Kankurou, his expression changing to a surprised one as he realized who was standing there.

"Naruko? What are you-"

"Cut the pleasantries Sabaku, where is your sister?" her voice more determined as ever, her finger pointing behind the poor puzzled teen, that was probably trying to understand the reason for that invasion.

Shikamaru sighed behind her, as Kankurou's eyes narrowed, probably wondering if that was really the usual bubbly and happy girl standing there before him, maybe she had a split personality or something, maybe the Uchiha attitude had started to rub on her.

"Uh? You're here for Temari?" he rubbed a hand through his tousled hair, more confused than ever, it was too much for him, he had just started to doze off when they had knocked on the door.

"Yes, is she in there?" Naruko's voice was low almost scary, completely different from her usual cheery tone, he gulped, but didn't back down.

"She's in the shower right now…" the brown haired teen said, worried for her safety probably, and Shikamaru couldn't blame him.

"Very well, we can wait" she muttered the words, that had a sinister sound to them, they almost sounded threatening, almost.

"Naruko…are you sure?" he dared to ask the devil, and she simply gave him a stare that convinced him to not interfere.

"What a drag…I guess we'll stay then" he confirmed, and Kankurou moved from the door, letting them in, looking at Shikamaru with a raised eyebrow.

As soon as they both entered, Gaara looked at them with a puzzled look, taking his eyes away from the television, looking at their unexpected guests.

"Naruko?" he asked, his expression more confused, almost identical to his brother's, as he studied the blonde girl that was comfortably sitting down on one of the beds, as if that was her own house. Typical of her, she made herself at home wherever she went.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes at the red head, of course he would only notice her, he might as well be a blurry figure in the background for all that Sabaku could care.

The brown haired teen was very good at reading people, it was a natural talent he had inherited from his father, so it was no mystery to him, that the red head held some feelings towards the blonde oblivious Namikaze, of course, Gaara hid it well, never making anyone suspect, but the Nara was simply too observant to let something like that go unnoticed.

He yawned sending the red head a warning glance sittting beside Naruko, that was staring at the bathroom door with a frown.

"What is going on?" Gaara eyed his brother, that simply shrugged his shoulders, and Shikamaru yawned again, holding himself from laying down and taking a nap. He was tired, and bored, but mostly tired. Yeah, that was it

"What do you two have to talk about with Temari? Naruko you barely know her, and Shikamaru I…" he didn't know what to add, the whole situation was surreal.

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