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Naruko rolled over with a groan, trying to find a more comfortable position, she could lay in, since her stomach was giving her hell, and she just couldn't get relief.

She had been feeling sick for a week now, and it was starting to be a real pain. She would throw up everything she dare to put in her mouth, and even the smell of certain foods made her sick, although it seemed to get better in the afternoon and the evening.

Itachi was worried, but she was stubborn and refused to go see a doctor, convinced that it was just a simple stomach flu and that she would get better in a few days, after all, Shisui's son had the same thing and it had lasted a few days for him, so there was nothing to worry about , or so she thought.

She frowned at the tv, guilty of not having anything interesting for her to watch, and she didn't really feel like watching a movie, she honestly didn't feel like doing much of anything, except complain about her misery. She was glad she had a very patient husband, who didn't mind her being a grump, and took care of her lovingly. She was really a lucky woman, had Itachi been anything like his younger brother, she was sure he would have moved out by now, or worse, they would be fighting every three seconds. Sasuke lacked the majority of Itachi's qualities, and sometimes she felt bad for Sakura, who had to put up with Sasuke's grumpy ass, she had even married him, six months ago.

The blonde rested her head on the pillow, and sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. She was waiting for Itachi to come home from work, so he would bring her the ramen she had asked him to get for her, and she felt her eyelids grow heavy, and she tried to fight the sudden feeling of tiredness that had caught her all of a sudden. She figured it must because of the lack of sleep she had had for the past week that was finally catching up with her, so there was nothing wrong, she decided, if she closed her eyes for a few minutes, just to make them rest a little bit.

Naruko hadn't realized she had fallen asleep, until she felt Itachi's fingers stroke her hair, gently waking her up, her hazy eyes opened and focused on his pale face. He was closer than what she expected, and she realized he was crouched in front of the sofa, his left elbow leaning on the cushion next to her covered body.

"Tachi?" she whispered, rubbing her eyes, realizing that the room was darker than it should be at that time of day, and she battled her eyelashes, realizing she must have slept for a long time, and not a couple minutes.

"Hey " he smiled, his fingers not stopping their soft ministration on her hair, in a soft soothing manner, making her relax under his touch.

"you were sleeping when I came back, and I didn't want to disturb you so I've let you sleep, but it's late now, so I figured you might be hungry and want to try and eat something" he explained, his hand slipping down to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand, and she leaned into his touch, like a kitten, comforted by his presence. He was such a calming presence, that she already felt better, now that he was there with her.

"What time is it?" she asked rubbing her eyes, wondering how long she had slept.

"Eight o clock" he answered, his eyes never leaving hers, and she could see he was thinking about something, but that was forgotten for a second, as she realized how late it was.

"What?!" she lifted herself up in a sitting position, the blanket slipped down on the carpet with the sudden movement, and Itachi scooted back a little bit, allowing her some space.

"Yes, you slept for three hours straight. You didn't even hear me, when I walked in" she hadn't even flinched, and he had been a little noisy when he had arrived home, carrying some things back from work and the food she had asked for, and he had not known she was resting. He was glad he hadn't waken her up though, she needed some sleep.

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