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~something was bothering him~


I pushed this feeling away. We got the drinks and got to the car.
Full silence. No one of us talked. His eyes were confuzed on the road.
I always took a look at him till he caught me staring.

"Anything okay?" He asked smirking.
"um....can i ask you something?" I said ignoring his question
"Yes sure go on" he said confused
"'ve been acting weird these past few days, no more hangouts, i mean just us, you're always out with your friends, not bothering if im scared to stay alone at night, i go to sleep alone and wake up alone, no more cuddling with you, i dont remember the last time we ate breakfast or dinner together, its just, im getting tired of this, i know that you just came home from tour but...thats how i feel. Sorry. Okay? Forget about this...." i said now some tears scrolling down my cheeks. He stared at me in guilt.

"Say something....please" i said as my voice cracked.
"I-i dont know what to say honestly. I didnt knew you felt like this. Im sorry if i wasnt there with hold you tight when you were scared or to cuddle with you. I was so exhausted with this tour. Then finishing the EP. It had been the most tired month of mine. Im sorry babygirl. Promise i'll be a better man...forgive me?"
He said with puppy eyes.
I just nodded in answer then wrapped my arms around his neck as he connected his lips with my forehead.

"Umm...wanna go on a date tomorrow?" He said with red cheeks. I dont know why he found this embarrasing.
"You mean just us?" I asked smiling
"Just us" he said pecking my cheek
"My baby...i love you so much...i honestly dont deserve you. You're so good to me. God i love you...." he said caressing my cheek as we made an eye contact which never lasted longer than this time.
We both leaned in as our lips touched. They moved perfectly in sync.
"I missed this so much...i'll be sure to do it more often" he winked
"oh god no...." i said as he nodded grabbing my face and kissing it all. Leaving no space untouched.
I would never let him go.

Almost done of the ideas.

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