Missed You

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hi. im sorry i havent posted since forever but i have been taking a break and focusing on myself..sorry if this part isnt good, was written in a rush!

Its been 3 months since i last saw John. He moved to LA for his career. I had my career here so i had to stay. I miss him...a lot.

But we had always facetimed or texted every day. But still wasnt the same.
Tomorrow is Johnny's Birthday. I cant miss it.
So im surprising him by going to LA.

I know that he will not be expecting this i can just see his shocked face. His pretty face that i miss so much.

I packed all my stuff for tomorrow and had booked my ticket. I was just about to call him to not be suspicious.

Ringing his phone i waited for his answer and there he was smiling like a goof.

"Hi princess how ya doin" he said calmly.
"Hi john. Nothing was just chilling here what about you"
"to be honest i was going to hang out with the boys but now that you called i cancelled that" That was so kind of him

"Aww you didnt have to do that we would just talk later no big deal"
"what do you mean no big deal i already miss you i cant ignore your call" he said.
"I miss you too alright...Soon..i promise"
"I'll wait forever if i have to princess. " a tear brimming his eye.
"Hey..dont cry big man you're turning 19 tomorrow...i cant believe it oh my god" i said reassuring him.

"Yeah im excited i guess..." his little chuckle faded away.

"Whats wrong?" asking him worrying

"nothing its just..i wish you were here to celebrate it with me, I havent seen you in so long and im dying to...im sorry i just-"

"Its fine okay, Im sorry i cant be there. I wish i was. I miss you a lot. But I'll come one day"
"Yea...one day..uhm y/n someone's calling me i need to answer alright?, talk to you later"

He hung up. I know no  one's calling him but i dont know. that was something.
I cant wait for tomorrow.

(skip to tomorrow cuz im lazy 😗✌🏼)

Im on the plane right now boarding in almost ten minutes. I wonder if John knows anything. Bet he's not expecting me.

He hasnt responded to my texts since yesterday so.

I called Lauren to pick me up as i boarded and when we got to the Orlando's they had already made up every little decoration and stuff. Johnny had gotten out. I was his gift.

"Hi darling welcome" greeted by Mrs. Orlando. She was the sweetest

"I cant wait to see his reaction he's gonna be schocked hahah" Lots of laughs those moments.

The doorbell rang as i ran upstairs to the room. It was johnny and everyone was downstairs expect me.

"Happy Birthday John" They all sang.
"Wait i need to prepare my live story" goofy Lauren

They all sang Happy Birthday giving him presents to open.
"And now..for the last present of yours...Lauren bring it up please"
"Alright Johnny close your eyes" They put a bandana around his head while hayden made sure he wasnt seeing anything.

"How many fingers am i holding up?"
"Alright we're good"

"Y/n come on dont make any noise lets go"

Walking down slowly i saw him. my breath stopped for a moment.

"Now open your eyes just dont yell okay" lots of giggles.

He opened his eyes as he opened his mouh gasping as well.
"oh my god...you're here" He hugged me tight afraid of letting me go.

" I missed you so much" He kissed my temple as i hugged him so tight.
"I missed you too angel... please dont leave again, i need you here with me"
" I wont..never again"

Well...that was it. Cringe.

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