Hello there!

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Feel free to skip all this jibba-jabba, Its just ... jibba-jabba

I had an idea of making this book, for the funsies, but never got round to doing it...

But now i am doing it! >:D Pah! and they doubted me ;)

Like i said, im only doing this for fun, so dont expect a miracle ;)

Also, I will try my best at drawing scenes, characters... *cough* executions *cough*, so please dont kill me if it takes a while to update oAo Either im relaxing, in the process of updating, or Drawing :D

But anyway, i hope you enjoy, imma try and update this book as much as i can, wish me luck :D

Final note, Feel free to leave feedback on any of the chapters :D 

See you on the other side :3 ~

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