Chapter 4 : Finding Hope

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  James view ~

  We finished our search with hardly any results, and quickly made our way back to the cafeteria. Topher found a comb on the floor and nearly had a heart attack, but then proceeded to furiously comb his Blonde hair. 

  No-one’s view ~

  The cafeteria was large, had rows of white tables and chairs, and had a door at the back that lead into a kitchen stocked with heaps of food. 9 students were already deep in conversation when James, Mina, Gel and Topher arrived. Everyone gathered round a table and sat down, but then they noticed someone was missing.

  "Um...Does anyone know where Tim is?" Stuttered Adam, Covering his face behind his sleeves.

  "Yeh, he went mad and refused to follow us, so we just left him alone in his room..." James Replied, rubbing his hands together nervously.

  "Hang on, we get room's?!" Heather squawked excitedly, bobbing up and down.

  "That’s not what’s important! Something might have happened... just to think, he looked so lively when we were introducing ourselves..." said Gel.

  "Do you think someone...? Killed him?" Dexter suggested, his eyes widened. Everyone looked around them, and suddenly realised that this could easily have happened. No one wanted to stay in here, but who would kill for freedom? Everyone (except Geno and Alfonso) started to worry, and they all agreed to go searching for Tim, until something happened.

  "Heh, sorry im late y'all! Did someone die or something? You guys look worried sick!" Chuckled Tim, who was standing by the entrance of the cafeteria. Everyone gave a sigh of relief, Adam and nick even ran up to him.

  "But...But... we thought you were dead!" Adam sniffled.

  "Hey! Don’t kill me off that quickly" Tim once again laughed "It’s gonna take a lot more than that to kill me".

  "Weren’t you like, crazy mad or upset or something?" Geno questioned.

  "Huh? I don’t remember anything like that, are you guys trying to pull a trick on me?” Tim smiled, while he walked over to the table. "So, my fellow students, what information did you discover?".  All the students were confused with how Tim was acting, but decided not to ask questions.

  "Well our group discovered a library just round the corner, but other than that, just more hallways." informed Jessica, pointing in the direction of the library.

  "They have lots of book in there! I even took out a book about art... of course" Dexter said proudly, showing off the green book he was clutching in his hands.

  "Well our team found literally nothing unfortunaly, we explored the cafeteria and gym, but nothing special was found," Alfonso reported, "Maybe if my group weren’t such slackers we might of found something worth mentioning". Alfonso's eyes darted towards his group, who all looked away in the opposite direction.

  "Our team found a comb!" Topher said while continuously combing his hair, humming away.

  "... Other than the comb we also came across a set of rooms, one for each of us..." James continued, before being interrupted by a familiar high voice.

  Monopug suddenly appeared on top of the table, causing Heather to spit out her orange juice, which went all over Mina. Mina quietly looked at Heather, who was apologising like crazy, but she didn’t seem to mind, as she didn’t say a single thing.

  "Like little science dude said, you got your own rooms! Ain’t I just the nicest headmaster...? Well, each room is sound proof and every one includes their own shower! Top quality, only the best for my despairingly cute students!" Monopug danced for a couple of seconds, but then vanished once again.

  "That dog scares the hell out of me..."  Topher moaned.

  "So… I guess that’s everything to report..." Yawned Maggie. Everyone nodded, and people decided to call it a night. 8 students exiting the hall, all stretching and looking like death. On the other hand, 6 students stayed in the cafeteria, waving the other goodnight.

  "I just don’t know what to say about all of this..." Dexter sighed, sitting down to read through his gigantic book.

  "I think this is fun! It’s like we are all having a big sleepover! But we are trapped in a school... and we have to kill to stop the sleepover..." Heather smirked "But as a wise man once said, one does not simply wish for a sleepover to be over!” Maggie and Dexter both chuckled at heathers statement, but nick was confused.

  "I've never heard that one before, who actually said that?" Nick questioned, and as if in sync, both Maggie and Dexter’s eyes darted towards nick.

  "Well... of course it was... a wise man" Heather replied, sticking out her tongue. Nick just slowly nodded, and Maggie and Dexter continued to laugh.

  "Mina, are you ok? You have orange juice all over your hoodie..." Maggie asked Mina, "Oh, ok, I see, that’s ok then". Maggie smiled at Mina, but as expected, mina showed no sign of emotion.

  The rest didn’t question it, and after cleaning up the cafeteria, everyone finally visited there room.

  James view ~

  My mind was still filled with so many questions when I finally reached my room. I had so many emotions, but I felt strangely safe. I couldn’t bring myself to imagine anyone murdering anyone, no one will fall into the clutches of Monopug, the outside world must be really worried by now and we will be out in no time. Plus, at that moment, I had trust in everyone. We had no one else to trust than each other, and that’s exactly what we did. I began to open my door, until I hear someone scream.

  "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" echoed through the corridor, the noise was blood curdling. I even had to cover my ears to avoid becoming death. The scream came from the right of me, and I immediately began to run. I wanted to know what happened, but also not. I didn’t hold back, i passed door after door, the owner of the voice was just round the corner and...

  "Don’t I look so cute!? Eeeeek! So kawaii!” Heather was bouncing up and down in front of her door, tears in her eyes. She was pointing at her pixel character that was placed on her door, and complimenting it so fast that it was impossible to understand what she was saying. I had a sigh of relief that nothing bad happened, and shook off the panic that had consumed my body.

  I said goodbye to heather, and made my way back to my room. Why? Why was my first assumption death? Is it that I want freedom that much, that i think that someone else has taken the opportunity? I shivered at my own thoughts, and burrowed my hands in my face, letting my sweat soak into my fingers. I opened my door, walked inside, and immediately threw myself onto the soft bed. This was all too much...

[[New chapter! Sorry that this chapter dragged on a bit :/ But the further we are into the story, the closer we are to the... despair filled events *breathing intensifies"... *cough* Anyway, thank you for reading, feel free to leave feedback in the comments :3]]

[[I only got around to draw Nick, but i will update it so there is more]]

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