Chapter 5 : Disturbed Sleep

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  Topher's view ~

  I just couldn’t sleep, I just lied down in my bed, hoping to get at least some peace. I tried to put on my bravest face, so people wouldn’t see that I was scared as hell. No matter how hard I tried, the sweet release into a glorious sleep state just wouldn’t start up.

  I sat up, looking back to see my hair has left a deep imprint into my pillow. I smiled. If only we had some tools to fix my hair, I’m sure I look like a freak. I did my best with the old hair gel i found, and the comb that was stuffed round the corner of a locker, but I was still unsatisfied.

  With that, I was suddenly determined to find something more useful, something to sort out the mess that lay upon my head. I swung open my door, and began to stroll down the hallway.

  I searched the hallway, but unsurprisingly I found nothing. I was about to move on, until i heard the sound of footsteps. My body froze, it was like my feet were stuck to the floor unable to shift. I looked around me, but saw no-one.

  A quiet scatter of footprints came from my right, the direction of the library. I slowly approached the source of the sound, hoping someone just felt like getting a book to read. The closer I got to the double doors, that seemed to be wide open, the more uneasy I felt. It wasn’t long until I was right next to the library. I didn’t give a single damn about my hair, or anything else at that present second. 

  I looked behind me, just to make sure someone wasn’t trying to scare me. Quickly, I moved in front of the library, and my eyes widened in deep shock.

  James view ~

  I was surprised I could sleep through all this, but that rest did not last long, as the buzz of my television kept me awake. I hazily lifted my head from my pillow to look at my TV. To my surprise, Monopug appeared. Bing bong, bing bong.

"Attention attention! It seems like someone won’t be waking up this morning! That's right, someone has bit the dust, upupu! You have half an hour to investigate and get all your clues, and then we will hold a class trial!" Monopug chirped, with the television suddenly shutting itself off.

  What did he mean by...? Did someone actually.... I didn’t want to believe it, I don’t know if I could believe it...

Suddenly, I heard the loud buzz of my door being rapidly pressed.

  "Wait a second!" I yelled, but obviously no response. I quickly changed into more suitable clothes, and answered the person behind the door. It was Nick.

  His face was covered in sweat, and tears filled his eyes. "Quickly... c...come!" shouted nick as he took hold of my arm, yanking me out of my room. He was quite fast for such a shy kid, and I had trouble keeping my balance as he dragged me down the corridor. It seems like everyone else was wherever the commotion was happening, as every room had their room wide open, exposing the insides.

  I could hear the cries and screams of voices just round the corner, and Nick seemed to be sweating more and more the closer he got to the screams. Who was it...? If my suspicions were correct, someone had been... killed....

  Nick pointed at the door to the library, and everyone glanced at me. The majority of people stood away from the door, but several students stood right in front of the library. I quickly rushed to the door of the library, but quickly regretted doing so, my body froze.

"N...No... It can’t be!" I yelled...

  [[ Dun dun dun! Things are starting to get real now :D. On the next page should be a video, so that should be fun :D Thanks you so much for reading, if you like this story feel free to post a comment, or even vote, i will appreciate anything, until next time :3 ]]

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