Chapter 2 : Curious Peers

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Dexter's view ~

  I could finally feel the grasp of reality slowly coming back. My head was aching in so much pain. I awoke on a flat wooden surface, in a sitting position. My eyes were hazy, and my mind spun, I couldn’t think straight. I sat for a moment, gathered my thoughts, and opened my eyes again.

 No-one's view ~

  Dexter soon realised he was placed in a classroom. Nothing strange, just an ordinary classroom. He was sat at a wooden desk, which was in perfect condition. The walls were littered with posters and the floor was a deep blue. The windows were bolted shut, which Dexter thought was a bit weird. He got up from the chair, and headed for the classroom door.

  "Why am I here?" Dexter muttered to himself, grabbing the door handle. With one final glance at the mysterious classroom, he left the room.

  Dexter walked into a grand hallway. It was basically just a long corridor of space. No lockers like you would normally find, no water fountain, nothing of the sort. Just a long passage with more doors plastered onto the walls. 

  "Where am I, seriously..." Dexter once again muttered to himself. It then hit him, he was obviously in Lakepeak academy! How could he be so dumb? A classroom, a corridor, Dexter must of been stupid not to jump to conclusions earlier, his last memories were of walking into Lakepeak after all.

  "Wait, my memories!" Dexter yelled, trying to make sense of everything. All he could remember was generic information, like his name and favourite colour and things, but nothing like family, friends and life at all. The only other thing he remembered was him walking into school.

   Before Dexter could ponder on the matter further, he heard a voice coming from down the hall.

  "’Ey! Do ya' know what’s going on?" The voice seemed to bellow. The voice was deep, and sounded very masculine. The owner of the voice soon came into Dexter’s view. It was a tall man with ruffled black hair. The man wore a black leather jacket and had torn jeans on. He came over to greet Dexter.

  "Ey, did ya hear me? Do ya' know what’s going on here?" He once again bellowed towards Dexter.

  "Uh, No, not the slightest clue." Dexter replied, trying to be friendly.

  "Eh? That sucks, thought you could have come of some use, never mind," The man stopped and looked away, "I’m Geno, nice ta' meet cha'".  Geno smiled, but still looked away from Dexter.

  "I’m Dexter..." Dexter hurryingly replied, not knowing what to say. Dexter was never good at introductions, nor was he good at human interaction at all, at least from what he can remember.

  "You headin' to the gym I suppose? That’s what the note in me' pocket told me to do, could be fun I suppose" Geno chuckled to himself, cracking his knuckles "C’mon then 'Dexter', Let’s get going then". And with that, the giant man strode off, while Dexter stood idle in the same position.

  Dexter hurryingly scuttled behind Geno, he felt a lot safer around someone, even if they did tower over him. The long hallways all radiated a different colour, from purple, to yellow, even cyan. The duo passed many classrooms, and passed many locked doors, but both stayed on route to the gym.

  After what felt like walking through a never-ending maze, they arrived at a double door that had a sign displaying 'GYM' above it.

  "Looks like were 'ere buddy!" Geno chuckled, before opening the doors. A chill ran down Dexter’s spine, as the doors swung open, and the bright lights from within battered his eyes. 

  "There’s more people?" A mysterious voice echoed through the gym. To Dexter’s surprise, the gym was already filled with several other, what Dexter assumed, to be people. Without wasting a second, he scuttled his way into the room, behind Geno.

  "So that makes 14? Do you think there might be even more people?!" whispered a little voice next to Dexter. The voice came from a boy around his height. His hair was cut very short, and he wore polka-dotted glasses which hid his eyes. No-one replied, most likely because no one heard him, as everyone was chattering away, trying to make sense of this shenanigan. Everyone suddenly fell silent, as if no-one was able to talk. People's eyes were fixed onto the stage. Any feeling of freedom was swiftly stolen in those next few seconds.

  "Looks like everyone is here! Oh goody!” boomed a high pitched and squeaky voice. The voice was so disfigured, no human would be able to reproduce it. Even birds would have problems mimicking the horrible screech of a voice. A Teddy shaped like a dog suddenly bounced up onto the stage. The dog looks very peculiar, having half of its body completely white, and half completely black. The eye on the black side of the body was also weird, as it was much wider, and glowed a deep red.

  "Why hello there! I’m your headmaster, Monopug!” continued the dog "It’s a pleasure to meet you all!” Monopug produced a wide smile, but none of the students smiled back. Everyone was in shock, confusion. A girl with brown hair, which had a streak of pink in it suddenly stepped forward.

  "Hey, you, Pugster! I want out of this place, ya freak!” demanded the girl. Monopug suddenly lost his wide grin, but instead now had a devious smirk on his face.

  "Upupupu! You want to leave heh? Well you can’t! There is only one way of leaving this place, and I’ll say it, it makes things a lot more interesting..." Monopug chuckled to himself. Everyone leant in closer. "The only way you guys can leave this wonderful establishment, Is by killing one of your fellow classmates! Doesn’t that sound interesting?” A thick blanket of gloom spread over the entire group, followed by a cold, unsettling chill.

  "I....Is this some kind of sick joke! You can’t expect us to kill for... freedom..." replied the girl, obviously distraught. 

  "Upupu! You'll be surprised what people do for freedom, dearie, 'but Monopug, are there any rules?' Why yes there is, random voice! You see, imma give you all this device, you can locate all the rules of this place on it! Also, when someone, I don’t know, dies, it will help you on your way! You can kill your victim anyway you like! Stab 'em a bit, choke 'em a little, crush there head, any way you like! You all have your own ultimate talent, so you could even use that to your advantage! Just make sure you cover up your tracks, because once the deed is done, we will hold a class trial where you guys will have to determine who the killer is! I’ll explain nearer the time, which won’t be long I suppose ~" chirped Monopug. The entire class were still in a state of shock, having no clue on how to reply to such words. After Monopug's speech, his jumped behind the gym, and disappeared.

  No one spoke for a while, but instead simply looked at each other. Were they actually able to kill one another? Was anyone in that room desperate enough for freedom, that they would push themselves to murder? The 14 students were now involved in something none of them had ever wished for, but this was only the beginning…

[[Heh, I didn’t update this in… a while  :D Never mind :3 Monopug for life, right?]]

 [[ (From the future me!) I went through this and fixed some mistakes, so... happy days :D]]

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