Chapter 13 : Awkward silence

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  No-one's view ~

 Both individual groups returned back to the cafeteria, where everyone met up last time they investigated. The mysterious presence instantly aroused conversation among the group.

  "Who might this lass be?" Tim questioned, burying his face deep into his scarf.

  "Uh, her, um, name is Alice," Adam quivered. Alice was hidden behind Maggie, but quickly jumped out to introduce herself to the entire group.

  "That’s correct, the one and only Alice, and im the ultimate knitter, remember it people!" Alice cheered, clapping her hands together. Alfonso raised his eyebrow.

  "How can we trust you, are you a spy or something, it sure seems strange you being on the second floor, huh?" Alfonso sniggered, averting his eyes from Alice's gaze. 

  "Let me guess, you the low life antagonist, who dresses up like a purple slug!" Alice shouted back, clicking her fingers into a z-shape. Alfonso quickly turnt to Alice, and stormed towards her quickly. Adam let out a tiny squeak, and Nick averted his eyes from the situation.

  "This is going to be good ~" Heather chuckled, nudging Tim on the arm. Alfonso blocked out Heather completely, and looked directly into Alice's eye. Geno was on the verge of laughing furiously, but Tim and Heather beat him too it, laughing continuously.

  All of a sudden, His arm winded into his jacket, plucking the rose from his jacket. His arm once again un-winded, presenting the rose to Alice. He pulled down his purple hat to hide his face. "That sass, the comeback, you must be the one..." Alfonso muttered, his voice being muffled by his hat, "Please, accept this rose as a gift, because you have already stolen my hea-"

  Alfonso was interrupted by the brute force of the back of Alice's hand. Alfonso staggered backwards, his face bright red like a cherry tomato. Geno could no longer hold it in, and joined the up roaring laughter from Heather and Tim. Steam was bolting from Alfonso's ears. He let out a loud war cry and dashed towards Alice. 

  Maggie and Mina quickly stepped into Alfonso's path, sending him sprawling over the floor in a heap of anger. "Seriously, calm down, we have more important things to discuss," Maggie said coldly, high fiving Alice. Alfonso staggered to his feet, and hobbled over to his seat, his rage still visibly showing.

  "So let’s start, we found a Textiles room..." Dylan started.

  "That’s also where Alice was hidden, the door was closed, so we suppose you could not get out?" Maggie asked, looking at Alice.

  "Yes indeed, obviously," Alice said. Alfonso was still piercing Alice's courage with his steady stare. 

  "Sounds pretty cool!" Tim chirped, lowering his scarf.

  "Our team found a pool and come changing rooms," Jessica said, "we also found out it’s not a good idea to go into the wrong gender's room..."

  "What happens if you do?" Nick questioned, tweaking his glasses. Tim smiled widely, and pulled Topher to his feet.

  Tim whispered something into the scared Topher's ear, and got into position. They stood side by side, and Topher began to mime shooting Tim in the back. As if from a pantomime, Tim fell in slow motion to the ground, followed by excruciating noises mimicking death. Heather clapped at the performance, and Tim bowed down. Geno rolled his eyes, and folded his arms. 

  "So yeah, y'all get ta' point, don’t go in ta' the wrong rooms," Geno scoffed.

  "Well, back to what we found, we located a Music room not too far from the Textiles room," Nick added. Heather motioned playing a guitar in her hand, saliva dripping from her face. Alfonso backed away in disgust.

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