Chapter 1 : Prologue

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Dexter's view ~

  I stood in the shadow of the towering building. I wished for this moment for so long, dreamt of standing in this exact location. It was finally happening. I would finally take my first steps into Lakepeak Academy. Millions of people wish to be in my place right now, and I won’t waste a second of this incredible feeling. 

  New friends, new school, new memories to cherish. I couldn’t wait. The waiting was killing me. I finally plucked up the courage to take the first footsteps into the opportunity of a life time. I dashed up to the gigantic doors of the academy, opened them and then...


  [[Heh, prologue finished :D What you guys thinking of it so far? Stupid question toasted, it ain’t even started! *punches self-* Bai Y’all, see you next part :3 ]]

  [[(From future me) Fixed mistakes in this chapter, and don’t worry, the chapters do become a lot longer, this is just a prologue of course ;)]]

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