Chapter 6 : Ink and Clues

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No - one’s view ~

  Dexter's cold, dead body was fixed onto the floor. His skin was stone cold, and his bloodshot eyes were abnormally large. A pond of pink blood swamped around Dexter, which stained his clothes. Deep cuts were formed in his back, which seemed the main cause of the blood.

  "Dexter... no..." James whimpered, slowly making his way over to the limp body.

  "Well, it looks like we have no choice, we have to investigate" confirmed Jessica quietly, who was already inspecting the bloody body, "You heard Monopug, a class trial will be held soon".

  "That's right, we might all be in danger if we don’t figure this out..." replied Maggie.

  "Well, let’s start then, and get over ya' self, ya wimp," Geno snapped at Nick, who was quivering by the door. Suddenly, as if by routine, Monopug came running up the corridor to them.

   "Look what we have here! It’s even more amazing up close and personal!" Cheered Monopug. Adam was half temped to attack Monopug, but resisted against his urges. "Well, I have a present for you all, take th...” Monopug was interrupted mid-speech by James.

  "YOU THINK THAT WE WILL GO THROUGH WITH THIS? YOU’RE CRAZY! YOU’RE NOT EVEN REAL! YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN" James yelled at Monopug. Monopug raised his eyebrow, and James crept towards him.

  "It’s my fault? Upupu! I did nothing, just one of your friends wanted to taste the sweet joy of murdering someone, that’s all" Monopug replied, with a gleam in his blood red eye. James leaped at Monopug, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck. Monopug's little legs furiously kicked and flailed in anger. Everyone stood back and watched the scene unfold. 

  "Dude, let him go, we can deal with his bull...” Alfonso started, but once again James interrupted.

  "Don’t you understand what this little twat has done?!" James replied his eyes filled with hatred, "HE IS THE CAUSE OF OUR FRIENDS DEATH!” James was vigorously breathing, just like a bull. Monopug gave a little chuckle, and began to reply.

  "Like I said, I didn’t kill anyone, you could of just lived happily here, but one of you stabbed Dexter in the back, literally" He replied, letting out a loud laugh. The anger radiating from James became stronger than any before. He began to furiously beat Monopug in the stomach. It seemed as in he was putting all his force into every punch. But Monopug just chuckled. Maggie gasped in shock, and put out her hand out towards James, but instantly pulled it back.

  "Upupupupu! Now students, let me teach you alllllll a lesson," Monopug laughed, which was followed by a whistle. 

  The bolted windows from either side of James instantly stretched out and slammed together. Everyone watched in terror as James blood splattered all over the wall. Another one of their friends had just been mushed into a bloody pulp, and there was nothing that they could do about it. James' blood soaked into Monopug's fur, and he just stood there, chuckling to himself.

 "And that's what happens if you break the rules, it clearly states no violence towards the headmaster" Roared Monopug, "Anyway, what I actually came to give you, these are devices to help you record data about the crime!” Monopug threw a phone like shaped device towards the shocked students."

  They were jet-black in colour, and there was one for each student, even one for the recently squished James Warden. Monopug winked, and then walked away. The corridor seemed to become enveloped in darkness. 

  "Lets... Start investigating," Dylan Suddenly spoke, beckoning people away from James' remains.

  Topher's view ~

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