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The young pup snarled as she felt her mindset change, her ears pinned as the adult male growled at her, his white teeth bared. The male had no care for the young pup who was only a few months old. All he cared about was the pups mother who he planned to marry and convince her to get rid of the worthless pup who was just a pest in his way. He had already gotten her wounded mentally enough to want to leave, but this time, something was different. She was fighting back. He wasn't having it.

"You worthless thing! You have no right to snarl at me!" His voice was stern as he looked at her, his eyes filled with hatred. "I'll teach you a lesson!" He grabbed the young pup by the back of the neck so hard he pierced through her skin, and held her tight as he shook her around violently.

The young pup yelped and cried as she tried to get herself free of this males jaws. She could feel blood flowing from her neck down her back and her legs as the male had let her go, dropping her on the cold ground which she hit, causing her to yelp. She felt so much pain throughout her body, she didn't want to move, but she felt that if she didn't, she'd be killed. She got to up, pain shooting throughout her left side that had hit the floor hard. She whimpered as her ears were lowered. She wanted the constant pain to end. She suffered so much everyday, she didn't know what to do.

"You weak pest! That'll teach you not to threaten me!" He scuffed as he glared at the pup before leaving to go wash the blood off his muzzle.

The pup whimpered before she felt something click. She began to growl, her growl becoming more stern by the second as her body completely changed. Her once brown fur was black, her eyes a golden yellow. "I did nothing to you... and yet you torture me whenever my mommy leaves..." her words were clear for a pup her age. She was taller than her natural hight, her instincts taking over her mind.

The adult male looked at the pup only to be terrified at what he saw. The once small, fragile pup looked like a wolf. Her teeth were sharper, her body seemed more thicker and stronger but the wounds were still there, the blood staining her fur.

"I've had enough of the pain I'm constantly given!" Her voice raised dramatically, her growl rattling the air between the two. "You will get the pain you constantly give me!" The male was caught by surprise as the pup rushed him, her mouth open as her sharp teeth searched for flesh. She jumped, grabbing the back of his neck, her teeth digging into his skin. The male yelped and tried to shake the pup off only to make the wound worse. He grabbed her side, throwing her off and against a wall.

"No matter what form you take you monster, you are still weak!" He growled as he believed he still had the advantage due to him being older and stronger, as well as a male.

The pup staggered as she got up, her ears lowered a little as she thought about what to do next. She snarled. She had started this and had to finish it, even if her soul begged her not to. She was tired of the pain, the suffering, the lies. She glared at the male as he rushed at her. She used her small size to get under the large male, grabbing his throat, her teeth cutting through a few veins and his air way.

She let go as she watched the male fall on his side, his body gasping for air as he began to bleed out. The pups heart had taken control, her eyes widen in horror at what she had just done. She watched as the male took his final breath, before the life left his eyes, his body going cold and still.

The front door opened as the pups mother, a German Shepherd, walked in hoping to be greeting by her boyfriend and her daughter, only to be greeting by a horrifying sight. The body of her lifeless boyfriend, blood staining the ground and spats of blood all over the place. "Damien!" She rushed to him, only to see her daughter cowering at the sight of his dead body, her eyes turning. She watched the once golden, innocent eyes change to a cold blue, giving her all the information she needed. "You!"

The pup looked at her mother with pleading, horrified eyes as they turned normal, then followed by her body turning back to her normal form. "Mommy... I.."

The pups mom growled as she bared her teeth, glaring at her daughter who she believed to be a killer. "You killed him! How could you, you MONSTER!" Her stern voice terrified her daughter as she whimpered, lowering to the ground. "I want you out of my house and out of my life!" The pup was startled by her mother's choice of words, but she knew they were full of hatred towards the pup.

"Please mommy..." Tears formed in the pups eyes as she looked at her mother.

"Don't you dare call me mommy! You are no daughter of mine! Now get out and don't you dare come back or I will call the police!"

Tears streamed down the pups face as she watched her mother who was furious. She saw her mother meant everything she said. She feared the worst if she stayed, so she found the strength to move, her paws outstretched as she took off to the front door, racing out and away from the place she called home, her mother's words ringing in her head.


The pup didn't know how long she had been running, but it was long enough to leave her exhausted. She found a place to rest in a cardboard box that was already worn down and ready to break, the rain doing a number on the only shelter she could find. The soaked pup, traumatized by what she did and what her mother said, laid in the box, her ears lowered as she whimpered.

"Did you hear that?" A feminine voice was heard by the pup through the hard rain. She moved farther into the cardboard box, her ears lowered as fear consumed her whole body, the pain of her wounds temporarily covered.

"Yeah, it sounded like, whimpering?" A male voice followed the feminine one before she noticed Teo sets of paws outside the box.

"Oh my god!" A shocked female dog shouted as she found where the pup was hiding, her body shaking.

"Poor thing, what are you doing out here?" The male spoke calmly as he lowered his spotted face so he could see the pup.

"Mommy frew me out... me has no home anymore.." the pup whined as she looked at the two adults, fear still in her eyes.

"Poor thing..." she watched as the female lifted her head and looked at the male. The pup was curious as to what they were saying, so she walked over to the entrence of the box.

"Please? You know I've always wanted to become a mother.." the female gave a puppy like whine as she begged her mate who seemed to be giving in.

"Alright. We can take her." He looked from his mate to the pup, surprised to see her at the entrence where the light shone, giving him more visibility to see the blood that soaked her coat as well as the rain water. "Oh deer.. what happened to you?"

The pup whined as she thought about what happened. "Me no wanna talk bout it..." she whined as she looked at the ground.

The two adult frowned at the sight of this pup who they could tell was terrified of something. "You can come with us if you'd like darling, you shouldn't be out on the streets in the cold," the female smiled a little as she spoke softly to the pup who was thinking about it as she constantly looked at her mate.

"You won't hurt me?" The female was stunned by this but she smiled as she shook her head.

"No, we would never," the male answered, his eyes soft as they had a caring warmth that the pup was always wanting from a parent.

She saw how these two seemed like they would be great parents for her, plus she didn't want to be left on the streets to starve and suffer even more. "Ok, me will come wif you, if you want me."

The adults smiled as they looked at the pup. "We do want you darling, and always will," the female replied. The pup smiled for the first time in months as she rushed to the two adults who smiled and nuzzled her, giving her the love she longed for.

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