❁ Chapter 1

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Suyeon was currently inside her classroom along with her close friends

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Suyeon was currently inside her classroom along with her close friends. She had a headache since yesterday. She leaned her head on Beomgyu's arm, her bestfriend. Beomgyu and Suyeon has been bestfriend since they were still a kid. Beomgyu kept on staring Suyeon, he felt so worried.

"Suyeon, come on. Let me see your face" Beomgyu tried to lift her face but she refused. Beomgyu tried again and she finally lifted her face, her cheek was too red.

"You're sick, Suyeon!" Beomgyu eyes widened as he put his hand on her forehead to check her body temperature. Suyeon was too weak to talk to Beomgyu but she being too stubborn when Beomgyu want to take her to the nurse.

"Suyeon, come on. Listen to me, you have to go to the nurse now!" Beomgyu holds both of her cheeks while talking to her. Suyeon shook her head in replied. Their classmates looked at them, they knew that Beomgyu care a lot about Suyeon.

"Fine," Suyeon said and began to stand up but Beomgyu stopped her and bend his body a little bit to piggy back Suyeon. Beomgyu then brought her to the nurse and as the nurse checked her, the nurse explained about what has happened to Suyeon.

"Lay down first, I'll go with the nurse." Beomgyu said calmly towards Suyeon and she just nodded weakly. Suyeon knew if Beomgyu knew the truth, Beomgyu will definitely mad at her.

Beomgyu on the other hand, take a seat infront of the nurse who was just sit down at her chair.

"Okay, Suyeon has a gastric that was combined with stomachache, it's better if you bring her some food from the cafeteria before her gastric be that bad," the nurse said. Beomgyu sighed and nodded.

"Thank you, nurse. I'll be back." He smiled and headed out from the student clinic. He felt so bad because he didn't take care of Suyeon carefully. He then headed to the cafeteria to buy some food for Suyeon. He knew that this is not break time yet, but it was for Suyeon.

He was about to entered the cafeteria but someone bumped into his shoulder. It was accidentally. He was annoyed whenever someone didn't use their damn eyes when walking.

"I'm sorry," The boy with blue haired said to Beomgyu. He looked at that boy again because he never see that boy around. Beomgyu sighed and walked away from him. He went straightly to buy some foods. As he finished, he went back to the nurse.

He opened the door and saw Suyeon was sleeping peacefully. Eventhough he wanted to scold Suyeon for being stubborn, he still managed to calm himself down. He sat down next to Suyeon and tried to wake her up slowly.

"Yeonnie, wake up. I bought a porridge for you to eat." With that Suyeon slowly opened her eyes, her head was slightly hurt as she tried to sit. Beomgyu helped her to sit properly.

"I'm sorry.." Suyeon finally apologies since she saw Beomgyu's expression. Beomgyu replied her with a small nodd. Beomgyu then opened the tupperware's cover and began to feed the porridge to Suyeon. As she finished all the porridge, Beomgyu then helped her with the mineral water.

Beomgyu was about to stand up to throwing the rubbish away but Suyeon hold his hand tightly.

"Don't leave me, can you stay?" Suyeon said. Beomgyu can't handle when Suyeon beg like that, she's too cute. "Sure but I'll throw the rubbish first okay?" Beomgyu smiled, earning a nodd from Suyeon.

Few hours has passed, Beomgyu finally woke up and saw Suyeon staring him while smiling. Suyeon felt bad for him, because of her, he had to skip every classes with her. Beomgyu glanced at his smartwatch and it was currently 2pm.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Beomgyu asked her and she nodded happily. She suddenly hugged Beomgyu and gave him a peck on his cheek. "And what was that for?" Beomgyu asked her, showing her his adorable dimple.

"Thank you for everything, gyu." Suyeon said and earning a ruffled from Beomgyu to her hair.

"Let's go home. Your mom must be so worried," Beomgyu intertwined their hands together and walked to their classroom first since their backpack was still there.

As they took their backpack, Beomgyu suddenly grabbed Suyeon's backpack and carried it away for Suyeon. "Gyu, it's okay, I can bring it by myself," Suyeon said, trying to get her backpack back.

"See? you didn't even listen to me. You're so stubborn, Kang Suyeon," Beomgyu said, making Suyeon pouted. Before Beomgyu get mad, Suyeon immediately intertwined her hand with Beomgyu.

People often thinks that both Suyeon and Beomgyu is a couple because they looked like they are. Beomgyu didn't even wanted to tell Suyeon about his feelings because he knew he ended up being rejected. Beomgyu never looked at any girls at his school because he didn't have interest in them except for Suyeon.

As soon as they arrived at Suyeon's house that was just few blocks away from Beomgyu, Beomgyu gave her backpack and Suyeon immediately hugged him tightly. His cologne is Suyeon's favourite things.

Beomgyu hugged her back. "Call me, once you have arrive home, okay?" Suyeon kissed his cheeks again and she can see that he was blushing really hard. Beomgyu nodded and walked away from there.

"Suyeon? you just got back home?" Her mother asked her and she nodded. "Beomgyu sent me home," She smiled shyly and went straightly to her room before her mother tease her about Beomgyu.

Her room wall has too many of her photos with Beomgyu. Her eyes then caught the teddy bear on her bed that Beomgyu gave her at her 14th birthday. She smiled when there's lots of her memories with Beomgyu played in her mind.

She's blessed to have Beomgyu as her bestfriend.

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