❁ Chapter 9

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Yeonjun felt uneasy ever since Jaeseok came back into his life

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Yeonjun felt uneasy ever since Jaeseok came back into his life. Jaeseok is the most evil person he ever know and he regret knowing Jaeseok. Yeonjun was currently alone at the rooftop. He was sitting on the floor between the broken chairs dan tables.

He kept on staring his fingers that was bandaged, the pain was still there. His parents didn't know about it and didn't saw his fingers yet since he didn't have his dinner last night.

Yeonjun felt so uncomfortable when Jaeseok kept on disturbing him. He wondered why did Jaeseok being so mean towards him, is he that nerd? Soobin didn't even know that Yeonjun was at the rooftop.

He then heard someone opened the rooftop door, he wanted to run and hide somewhere close but as he was about to stand up, he bumped into the chairs and it immediately fell down. He cursed under his breath and tried to stay silence.

"Who's there?" Yeonjun knew that voice. Kang Suyeon.

Yeonjun then stand up and Suyeon was startled as she saw someone popped out nowhere. Suyeon then spotted his finger that was bandaged. He quickly remove his hands to his back.

"Yeonjun? what's with your hand?" Suyeon asked as she take few steps closer to Yeonjun. The wind was suddenly became windy, making both of their hairs blowed. Suyeon eyes didn't even leave his eyes, she stared it as if she was hunting for her prey.

"I asked you Yeonjun, what's with your hand?" She asked again and he pressed his lips into a line. He then shook his head, not wanting to tell Suyeon. Suyeon admitted that she care for Yeonjun, more than Beomgyu.

"Why are you here?" Yeonjun asked.

"I just wanted to have some fresh air before going home," She said, smiling towards Yeonjun. He felt so safe whenever Suyeon is by his side but she is in danger because of himself. Jaeseok will probably do something towards Suyeon since he knows Yeonjun's weakness.

"Why? is it because you're tired?" He asked and Suyeon nodded. It's true, she's tired and feeling so blur when her teacher explains about the topic. Plus, Beomgyu has been busy with the student council lately.

"What do feel about the project? It will come real soon," Suyeon said as they sit at the rooftop bench. "I'm nervous and afraid that I ruin the music video," He laughed awkwardly.

"You will not," Suyeon playfully hit his arm. "You're doing really great," With that, Suyeon pulled him into her embrance, hugging him tightly. Yeonjun felt like he was about to te cry since Suyeon knew what he feels.

"It's getting late, come on, I'll send you home," Yeonjun said and standing up. He helped Suyeon to get up and both of them headed out from the rooftop.

Someone was stalking them from afar, she was smirking evily towards both of the figure that was getting smaller and smaller. 

"That's great, Kang Suyeon. I can have my Beomgyu then,"

● ● ●

It was currently 3pm and Beomgyu still at the counseling room for leading the case of the student who didn't attend the school for almost a week. A few more discussion, then he was dismissed. He sighed as he felt so tired handeling many student's cases.

He walked to his locker and put some books in it. He then stretched his body as he felt really really tired. Beomgyu felt so guilty towards Suyeon, he left her so many times.

"Beomgyu," Beomgyu stopped as soon as he heard someone's voice. He wondered why she didn't go home yet. He then turned around to see who it is, his expression changed as soon as he saw his own classmate, Jung Saera.

"Why are you here?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. She was smiling widely as Beomgyu finally noticed her.

"I was waiting for you," She said, grabbing Beomgyu's wrist but then Beomgyu took his hand away from her. Beomgyu was about to walk away but then Saera immediately back hugged him.

"Choi Beomgyu! no!" Saera said, tightened the hug again. Saera still hoping that Beomgyu could see him more than a friend. She really love him ever since they were talked to each others for the first time.

"Jung Saera, cut this shit out!" Beomgyu let go of her hand and walked away from Saera. He was pissed off with her attitude, he even know that when they played the truth or dare game, she made Beomgyu jealous by letting Suyeon confessing Yeonjun.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and plugged his airpods on his ears. On his way back home, he decided to go to starbuck to buy something that Suyeon likes. As he ordered the drinks, he take a seat next to the big glass wall.

He got too many missed call from Suyeon. He chuckles as he kept on scrolling Suyeon's messages.

"Here's your order," The waiter said and serving Beomgyu's order. He then thanked the waiter and headed out from the starbuck. He went straightly to Suyeon's house. He saw 2 black cars, which means her parents is home.

He pressed the door bell, and not longer after that, there's a maid opened the door. "Hello, Ms. Kim," Beomgyu bowed politely and Suyeon's maid just laughed at Beomgyu's polite attitude. He then came inside and he saw Suyeon's mother at the dining table, probably having a cup of tea.

"Eomma!" Beomgyu playfully teased Suyeon's mother and she was shook about Beomgyu's appearance. "Aigo, my Beomgyu," She then hugged Beomgyu while patting his head.

He then asked for her permission to see Suyeon. She gave her permission and he straightly went to Suyeon's bedroom. He twisted the door knob and Suyeon was doing her homework while plugging her airpods to her ears.

Beomgyu laughed as Suyeon's head was following the rhythm. He put their drinks on Suyeon's table and he immediately hugged Suyeon and she then removed her airpods.

"Beomgyu!! I miss you!" She hugged him back.

"I bought starbuck for you," He smiled and she happily reached her drink. Beomgyu and Suyeon then moved to sit at Suyeon's bed.

"I can't stay here that long since my mom asked me to help her for something," Beomgyu said and she pouts, trying to persuade Beomgyu to stay. "Pouts or I'll kiss you," Beomgyu teased her and she immediately looked away, embarrassed.

"I have to go now, see you tomorrow," Beomgyu stand up and gave a peck on Suyeon's forehead. She nodded and continued doing her works.

I'm so confuse about my feeling, I felt safe whenever I'm with Beomgyu and Yeonjun, but Yeonjun is really something. I can't handle this, I'm so confused.

 I can't handle this, I'm so confused

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