❁ Chapter 23

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"Do you guys have any plans later?" Suyeon suddenly asked, making Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hueningkai looked at her curiously before they ever answer her

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"Do you guys have any plans later?" Suyeon suddenly asked, making Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hueningkai looked at her curiously before they ever answer her. They were currently studying at the library together. "No, we didn't, why?" Beomgyu asked as turned the page of the book.

"Why? are you going to treat us?" Taehyun asked, gently pushing the strains of his hair to the back.

"Sounds good, tell me what you guys want to do," Suyeon said, putting her hands on her chin, waiting for all of them to answer but their reaction made Suyeon chuckles.

"Are you sure?" Hueningkai asked. She just nodded, they smiled and began to answer her questions. Besides, its been a long time since all of them spends their times together. They missed it, especially Beomgyu. It's hard for him to spend his time Suyeon ever since she got herself a boyfriend.

"Can we go to the arcade?" Beomgyu asked.

"Yeah, arcade sounds cool," Taehyun said, smiling. His dimple is too adorable.

"Can we chill together while eating pizzas?" Hueningkai asked.

It doesn't sounds so hard for Suyeon. "Sure, we'll do that later, we'll meet at the supermarket near to Beomgyu's house!" Suyeon said, happily. "Wah, nice! it's been a while though," Hueningkai said, while pouting.

"We'll go to the arcade first and after that we'll eat pizza, is that okay?" Suyeon asked, tapping her fingers on the table. "Yeap!" All of them replied. Suyeon felt like she is a mother of three kids, they're so cute. A chuckles left her mouth.

Few hours has passed and it was now the end of their school hours. Taehyun and Hueningkai left earlier than Beomgyu and Suyeon since they have their tuitions class before they hangout later. Beomgyu can't go home early since he have to give a speech on his student council meeting until 2pm.

Suyeon was currently putting her books on her locker before she could ever go back home. A soft tap landed on her left shoulder and as she turned around, there no one but she flinched as she saw Yeonjun on her right, who was leaning on the locker.

"Yeonjun? what are you doing here?" Suyeon asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes, me?" Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows to while pointing on himself, imiditate Suyeon. She then smacked his chest while rolling her eyes, earning a laughed from Yeonjun.

"I thought you're home already," Suyeon said, closing her locker. "No, I haven't, how can I leave my girl here?" Yeonjun said as he intertwined his hand with his girlfriend. Suyeon smiled, ruffling his hair. They walked away from the locker since Suyeon has finished putting her books.

"Anyway, I'm going out with the boys later at the arcade and after that we will have some pizza, do you want to join? along with Soobin?" Suyeon asked.

"Ah, really? I want to join but we can't," Yeonjun pouts, earning a laugh from Suyeon.


"Mr. Jung wanted to meet us at his dance studio, probably about the music video," Yeonjun said, smiling. Suyeon almost forgot about their music video, she felt so sure that the music video will be so amazing.

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