❁ Chapter 28

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As promised, Suyeon and Yeonjun will go somewhere and Yeonjun has no idea where but he know that probably will be one of his dream list again

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As promised, Suyeon and Yeonjun will go somewhere and Yeonjun has no idea where but he know that probably will be one of his dream list again. He founds it cute when Suyeon kept bringing him somewhere. It was a cute date for Yeonjun, he has never been in love, yet his first love made him the happiest boy in the universe.

Yeonjun was paying attention to his phone while his one other hand carrying the supermarket basket. Meanwhile Suyeon was busy searching for their snacks. Yeonjun had no idea why did she buy all of these things. Suyeon then glared at Yeonjun as she caught a girl staring at Yeonjun while trying to get closer to Yeonjun.





Suyeon was annoyed and walked away from the snacks sections. Yeonjun can't hear her since he plugged his airpods on both of his ears and unplugged it as he noticed that Suyeon was not there. He found Suyeon on the drink section and glared as she saw Yeonjun approaching her.

"There you are, why did you leave me-"

"Why did you care? You didn't even listen when I called you. Did you get that girl's phone number?" Suyeon rolled her eyes, walking away from Yeonjun. Yeonjun's expression showed her that he had no idea what is Suyeon talking about.

"Wait, are you mad? I'm sorry, I can't hear you since I'm listening to musics. But wait, which girl are you talking about? I didn't saw her since you're with me-"

"Excuse me?" Both Yeonjun and Suyeon turned around to see the girl earlier, who was trying to catch Yeonjun's attention. Yeonjun's eyes widened and he looked over the girl and he looked back to Suyeon, who was giving him a death glare. Yeonjun cursed, the girl was wearing an outfit that revealing her chest.

"I'm sorry but can I have your phone number? Maybe we can hangout or get to know each others." The girl handed her handphone to Yeonjun. Suyeon clenched her jaw and curled her fist into a ball. Yeonjun felt hesitate enough to either to give it or not. The girl smiled, waiting for Yeonjun to make a move but then her eyes caught Suyeon.

"Oh, is this your sister? Hi-"

Suyeon, feeling so annoyed and pissed off, she walked away, stomping her feet and decided to head out from that supermarket. Damn it, it has ruined her mood to watch a sunset with Yeonjun. Who did she think she was? Wearing that kind of outfit and flirt with someone's boyfriend. Suyeon huffed in annoyance as she waited at the parking lot, leaning on Yeonjun's car.

Meanwhile Yeonjun, he laughed awkwardly after he rejected that girl's number. He walked away and began to pay all the things that Suyeon took for their date. As soon as he finished, he carried the plastic bag and bowed at the cashier. He then approach his car and saw Suyeon crossing her arm on her chest while glaring at him.

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