❁ Chapter 29

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Cuddling with someone that we're obsess with is best thing ever

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Cuddling with someone that we're obsess with is best thing ever. That's what Suyeon and Yeonjun did, cuddling each others on the bed. They didn't attend school at that day since tomorrow will be their graduation ceremony. They have been laying on the bed for almost 2 hours and that's not new for Yeonjun.

The thing that is new for him is; Suyeon was being too clingy, like really really clingy. She didn't even let go of their hugs, she even locked her legs with Yeonjun's leg, not wanting to let go of her boyfriend. She was comfortable enough. She kept on snuggling her face on Yeonjun's neck. It made him laughed since it was too ticklish.

But then, her stomach was growling and earned a chuckles from Yeonjun. He lifted up his head to see Suyeon. She was pouting and tightened the hug, she didn't like it when Yeonjun kept on moving around, it's like he wanted to run away from Suyeon

"You're hungry, aren't you? Do you want to eat something? I can cook it for you." Yeonjun said, sitting up and leaned his body on the bed's head. Suyeon groaned and just move together with Yeonjun, not letting go of the hug. She just need Yeonjun, she wants cuddles.

"Let's eat okay? Then we will cuddle back, I promise." Yeonjun said again, giving her a peck on her head. She shook her head, to be honest, she was feeling so cold and she need Yeonjun's warmth. Yeonjun slightly smile as she hugged him tightly.

"How about you wait here and I will cook something for you?" He said again. If she says no, Yeonjun will probably find another excuse to cook something for her. She gave up and just agreed with Yeonjun eventhough she felt like she wanted to cry her ass off when Yeonjun let go of their hugs.

Being clingy is not easy.

Yeonjun then grabbed his phone before heading downstairs. Suyeon's parents is not home since they have to go to their honetown because they wanted to visit Suyeon's grandma. The reason why Suyeon refused to go is because she absolutely have no mood and she wants Yeonjun to be with her.

Justㅡ what happened to Suyeon? Seriously, Yeonjun had no idea about it, but for now, he will just cook something for Suyeon.

He spents for few minutes to check what ingredient has in the fridge. He made up his mind and just going to cook kimchi fried rice. He's not sure that Suyeon will finish it, so he just took a few scoops of rice.  He know that she will ended up choosing hug instead of eat.

Suyeon on the hand, rolling over her bed and felt like she wanted to cry. She hates waiting. She then lazily get up and stomped her feet, headed downstairs. She then throw herself on the couch, pouting. She knew that she will cry anytime soon.

As Yeonjun finished cooking the kimchi fried rice, he headed out from the kitchen and was about to go upstairs but he automatically stopped as he saw Suyeon on the couch, hugging herself and her head was on her arm. Is she sleeping?

"Princess?" Suyeon automatically lifted her head up and saw Yeonjun sitting beside her. He smiled patting his girlfriend head. She was about to hug Yeonjun but luckily Yeonjun stand up as fast as he could.

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