❁ Chapter 16

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Day by day, Yeonjun get even closer to Suyeon where as her parents know him, he always spend her times with Yeonjun

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Day by day, Yeonjun get even closer to Suyeon where as her parents know him, he always spend her times with Yeonjun. Eventhough Beomgyu is getting along with Yeonjun, Suyeon still can't accept Beomgyu's apologies and explaination.

Despite that, Jaeseok was still trying to find a way to destroy Yeonjun's life. Jaeseok has gone crazy when he heard that Suyeon was getting along really well with Yeonjun.

Today was quite weird for Suyeon since her friends were not with them. They have to shoot their music video for the project. That's mean they will stay until late night. Saera and Jaeseok thoughts that today is the right day to do their plan.

Suyeon's phone buzzed as she was about to step out from the school building. It was a message from Yeonjun. She chuckled as she read the message. Yeonjun said that he can't come with her since the shooting was still in process, lots of things should be done.

She was about to walk away but her mouth were suddenly covered with a napkin that made her passed out. Jaeseok smirked as he saw his friend did a great job. He lifted her and walked towards Jaeseok's car.

Yeonjun on the other hand felt uneasy and worried as he checked his messages back, it was just has been seen by Suyeon. The director has informed them that there will be many scene to be recoreded.

It has been listed that the venue will be; the school's assembly area, swimming pool, library, classrooms, rooftop, hallway and more. The didn't get worried since the swimming pool scene has been recorded.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Beomgyu asked Yeonjun who was staring on his phone. Waiting for Suyeon to reply his message, he was so worried and can feel that something is happening. Yeonjun shook his head, "No, I'm worried," He said, sighing.


"Suyeon, she didn't even replied my text. Usually she just replied it on time," Yeonjun said, tapping his fingers on the desk while biting his lips. Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows. No, there's nothing happened to Suyeon, he thoughts.

"It's okay, maybe she was tired," Beomgyu shurgged his shoulder. He can't think negative since he afraid that his panic will attack him.

It was currently Yeonjun's turn to record his part, where he was sitting at the classroom with a book and cutter on his hand and this time the director asked to bring his glasses. Beomgyu on the other hand kept on calling Suyeon, which there is no answer. He sighed as he thought that maybe Suyeon blocked him, but the truth is she's not.

The night has come and Suyeon finally managed to open her eyes since she was fall deeply into her dreamland. It was because of the sleeping drug named choloroform. Her head was dizzy and her surrounding was pitched black. She can only see the windows that is no curtain on it.

Who's house is this?

She wanted to scream for help but there's a napkin on her mouth, preventing her from being noisy. She felt so weak as she tried to take her hands but it was tied up behind her. She was sitting on the chair, still using her school uniform.

Where's my backpack? my phone?

She was worried and scared at the same time. Yeonjun must be so worried so does her parents. Tears of fear escaped from her eyes. Not longer after that, someone opened the door, she can't see him well since her sight was a little bit blurry.

He was wearing a balaclava mask, where as only his eyes and mouth was revealed. Suyeon was scared when that person get more closer to her. He brought a tray of foods and water. Suyeon shut her eyes when the person switched on the light.

"You're awake," the person spoke. Suyeon have no idea about who he is. She never heard his voice before. All she can think is, why the hell were he kidnapping herself. She doesn't have enemies afterall. That person then placed the tray on the nearest table and remove the napkin on Suyeon's mouth.

"Please don't hurt me," Suyeon begged and tried to let go of her hands but it was tied up tightly. She was weak enough to speak, her voice cracked and she talks like she was whispering. The person sighed.

"Trust me, I will not. I'm doing this because I need that money, now eat this," He said, spooning the foods and was about to bribe Suyeon but she turned her head to the right side, probably refusing to eat.

"I didn't put any poison on it, plus, my boss cook this," He said again. It was really hard for Suyeon to trust that person but her stomach was empty and kept on growling. He chuckles and waited for Suyeon to eat it.

She opened her mouth and slowly chewing the foods. She got to admit that the foods was delicious but she can't trust it since they might put any poisons on it. As she felt like she want to stop eating, she turned her head to the side again.

"Here, drink this," He said as he was about to bribe her the water. As she finished, she stay quiet and kept on staring on the floor. Many thoughts came on her minds, Yeonjun and her parents must be so worried, the boys will probably searching for her, and the most important things is her life is in danger.

"What's your name?" He asked, breaking the silence between them. Suyeon having a thought of not answering him but he was being nice to her.

"Kang Suyeon, you?" She asked back.

"Jung Wooyoung," He simply said and Suyeon could feel that he was sitting right next to her as he dragged one more chair. "I'm sorry that you have to go through this, it just that revenge is always a revenge," He said, making Suyeon lifted up her head. She was like a lifeless body.

"Revenge for what?" Suyeon dared to asked him but he just chuckled. He can't tell her yet, because the time will come and she will see it infront of her eyes.

"Tsk, you will know soon. I have to go, have a good night, Suyeon." With that he leave Suyeon as he switched off the light. Suyeon then cried all by herself, there's no one will save her from this dangerous situations.

Yeonjun on the other hand, he headed towards Suyeon's house. He was quite worried since there was no reply from Suyeon. He also can't reach her. As he arrived, he gently pressed the doorbell. Suyeon's mother opened the door.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you at this hour, Mrs. Kang, but can I see Suyeon? since she didn't reply any of my mㅡ"

"Wait, I thought she was with you?" Her heart beats faster as she can felt that she was attacked by her panic.

"No, she didn't. I have works to do at the school earlier." Yeonjun said. He was completely blank. Where would she go at this hour? He somehow felt something happened.

"Oh my god! then where is she?!" Mrs. Kang then walked back and forth, worried about where her one and only daughter went. She haven't went home ever since school hours ended.

"I'll go get going now, Ms. Kang. I need to go to the police office," With that he run away. He cursed a lot on his heart.

Where the fuck did you go, Kang Suyeon!

Where the fuck did you go, Kang Suyeon!

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