❁ Chapter 2

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Yeonjun was currently sitting on the chair at the teachers office

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Yeonjun was currently sitting on the chair at the teachers office. His legs was shaking, he felt nervous eventhough today is the day that he was officially becoming one of the student from Seoul International School. Yesterday was his registration day.

He bumped into someone yesterday and that remind him of Jaeseok. His phobia has decreasing ever since he changed himself to be more confident and not scared. Someone that bumped into him gave him the most weird expression, it was a mix of cold and curious. He has a grey-ish hair.

Yeonjun lost his thoughts when someone called him. It was probably his class teacher. She asked him to follow her to his classroom. Yeonjun just nodded and followed where's the teacher going. Students kept on looking at him, he finds it awkward. Maybe because his hair was blue?

As they arrived at the classroom, the students went silence when they saw Yeonjun entering the class. The girls started to fangirl over Yeonjun. Yeonjun smiled when he receive that kind of welcome at his new school.

The teacher then asked him to introduce himself infront of his brand new friends. His hand was shaking and sweating. He take a deep breath.

"Hello everyone. It was nice to meet you guys, I'm Choi Yeonjun and let's be a good friend to each others," He bowed and then all of them clapped their hands. He felt so relief that everyone are accepting him.

"Alright, Yeonjun. Thank you and you can sit next to Choi Soobin." With that Soobin raised up his hands so that Yeonjun can find where he is. He smiled awkwardly as he sit next to Soobin. Soobin is the class president for their class.

"I'm Soobin, anyway, do you mind if I invite you for lunch together with the others?" Soobin asked and Yeonjun bit his lips.

"Um, maybe next time," He smiled awkwardly but he never felt so appreciated, infact, no one wants to eat with him, back when he was still attending Hanlim.

● ● ●

Suyeon was walking through the hallway with her classmates books in her hands. She regreted for not accepting Beomgyu's offers for helping her with the book that her class teachers asked her to get it.

"Here, let me help you," Someone spoke which made her turned her head to see who it is. It was Hueningkai, her classmate. He was one of the most famous basketball player at that school and that's why he's not in class. "K-Kai, you didn't have to," Suyeon laughed awkwardly but Hueningkai just took half of the books from her.

The situation was really awkward for both of them. Suyeon used to have a huge crush on Hueningkai. She even confessed her love for him but Hueningkai just accepted her as a friend of him. Embarrassing, right? As they arrived at Suyeon's classroom, Hueningkai gave the books back to her and excuse himself since he has his training in few minutes.

Beomgyu saw both of them. He felt so jealous when Hueningkai talked to Suyeon like that. It should be him to helps Suyeon, not the other boys. He's so damn sensitive.

"Here is the book, Ms. Yoo." Suyeon smiled as the teacher asked her to take her seat. She then jumped out of shock as Beomgyu hold her hand under her table. His eyes were locked into her eyes. "Are you okay?" Suyeon asked him and he shook his head in replied.

"I'm not okay, you just walked with Kai and when I offered to help you, you refused." Beomgyu pouted. Suyeon chuckled while patting his head.

Few hours has passed, their break time has came. Suyeon stretched her body before standing up from her chair. "Gyu, Taehyun, come on!" Suyeon called both of her close friends and they immediately went to Suyeon.

"Hyung, did you heard that there's a new student next to our classroom? I heard that he was from Hanlim. That's what Soobin hyung tell me," Taehyun said to Beomgyu and He remembered when he was about to buy the food from the cafeteria yesterday, he bumped into someone.

"Who is it?" Beomgyu lost his thought when he heard Suyeon asking Taehyun who is that someone.

"That's not so important by the way," Beomgyu said before Taehyun could tell her. Taehyun shrugged and when they arrived at the cafeteria, it was noisy as always.

"It almost full though, let's get there," Suyeon said while pointing at the table that has three chairs. Beomgyu and Taehyun started to get their foods while Suyeon just sitting at their spot. As both of them came back, Taehyun spotted Soobin eating alone and decided to ask him to join them.

"Hyung, where's that new guy?" Taehyun asked Soobin who was eating peacefully and sighed as Taehyun asked him a question.

"He didn't want to join me, maybe he's still awkward. He seems nice though, the girls went crazy over him as soon as he introduce himself," Soobin said, enjoying the fact that he was also amazed by Yeonjun's visual.

"That was so lame," Beomgyu scoffed, they all went silence when Beomgyu said that. Beomgyu is the type of person that didn't amazed by something, infact, he was well-known by his coldness.

● ● ●

"Suyeon!" Suyeon furrowed her eyebrows when she heard someone was calling her name. She locked her locker and she saw Hueningkai was running towards her. Her heart beats too fast when she saw her used to be crush. 

"Kai? what happened?" Suyeon asked him as she saw him pantting heavily. Did he saw a ghost?

"I just want to ask you if you're free tonight? I wanted to invite you to my basketball show," Hueningkai smiled and hoping that she could accept his offer.


"She's having a group study with me along with Taehyun, mind to join?" Beomgyu grabbed Suyeon's hand. Hueningkai laughed awkwardly. "Um, maybe next time. Nevermind Suyeon, I'll see you around," Hueningkai said, not showing his disappointment.

As Hueningkai walked away, Suyeon playfully hit Beomgyu's arm. "Really? you don't have to say that to him, I felt so guilty," Suyeon said earning a giggle from Beomgyu.

"I was just kidding, I didn't knew he's afraid of me. I'm too cute to be scared to." Beomgyu said, Suyeon showed him her disgusted face.

"Let's go home," Suyeon pulled his hand and hugged it. Beomgyu smiled seeing Suyeon's actions.

"I just want you to know that I'm in love with you, Kang Suyeon."


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