❁ Chapter 5

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❁ Kang Suyeon's pov ❁

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❁ Kang Suyeon's pov ❁

Taehyun's idea kept on controlling my mind. Should I really visit Beomgyu? There's no messages from him, and ofcourse, no calls too. I sighed, "Well, that's okay. Let's just go to his house," I finally made up my mind to visit Beomgyu.

This is the first time that I'm in a war with my own bestfriend. I felt bad about it, he must be so down right now. As I grabbed my purse and wear my shoes, I headed down to downstairs. It was pretty quiet since my father probably has some works to do.

"Mom?" I yelled out loudly and she then headed out from the kitchen with a glass of water on her hand.

"Are you going out?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm just going to Beomgyu's house. See you later mom!" I chuckles as I saw my mother shook her head and headed back to the kitchen. Beomgyu's house is just a few blocks from mine, so it won't take that long.

As I arrived, I bit my lips since I was too nervous to see him in this kind of situation. I politely knocked the door of his house. Not longer after that, his mother opened the door. Her warm welcome wide smile managed to calm me down.

"Aigoo, look who's here. My baby Suyeonnie!" She hugged me tightly. "I miss you, though. Why didn't you come here often?" She asked and I told her that I have some works to do at home. So I didn't have that much of time to visit Beomgyu's parents.

"Is Beomgyu home?" I finally asked and she nodded. "He's upstairs, probably jamming his guitar since I heard it when I headed downstairs to make some breakfast," She said. She then let me go to Beomgyu's room.

I slowly climbed up the stairs since I didn't heard he's jamming his guitar. I knocked once but there's no answer for that, so I just twisted the doorknob and there he is, sleeping on his bed peacefully while hugging the bear that I gave him on his 19th birthday.

He named it as Ddubi. I silently sneaked onto his bed, sitting down next to him. Everything just looks fine on him, his beautiful grey hair, his lips, his cheeks, everything is beautiful. Staring him a little bit longer makes me wanted to keep him in my pockets.

I ran my fingers through his soft hair. Well, that's my favourite things to do. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at me for a second before he sit down.

"You came," He whispered and I nodded.

Taehyun's right. He know Beomgyu really well.

"I came, because I miss you. I felt so worried when there's no clingy messages from you. No calls too," I smiled and he bit his lips.

"I'm sorry for being so ego towards you. I miss you so much," Beomgyu pulled me into his embrace and hugged me tightly. I pecked his cheeks and he giggled. He's truly a baby.

"Come on, wake up," I grabbed his hand but he suddenly pulled me instead, I ended up falling next to him. He pretended to be asleep and hugged me tightly. We often did that, so that's okay.

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