His Worries

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Another Chapter!!! Man!!!!! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story!!!!
Previous Chapter:
Adrien quietly finds a little red chair about his size. Silently sits then with his little hands opening to the first page of the gentleman book with his little jaw wide open in surprise.

Spending his little quality time to read the book in his little hands. Adrien peaks his head above the book to check if Nathile sees him, luckily again she isn't still. For an hour or two, Nathile realizes the time then before heading out the door she remembered to get Adrien. Sees that he is by the desk for a check out. Nathile quickly stomps her way to the desk orderly "Kid we need to go now and what now a book that you are checking!"
"Yes I do and I love this book. Thank you for taking me to the Library."
Nathiles eyes grew big then turns quick to a frown "Adrien stop this and let's go!" She grabs and squeezes his little arm then pulls him into the vehicle. His arm starts to burn and hurt by the squeezing that Nathile did that cause the redness on his right arm. Adrien tries to hold his words and screams while she pulls him towards the car. Again he had to buckle himself again! The car turned out to be hot from the sun hitting the cars for hours. Adrien tries to climb up his little legs up to the floor of the car then to the seat. His little fingers slipped into the metal of the buckle that burnt him. His fingers turned so red by the heat from the metal, Adrien had tears rushing down his face. Holding his mouth with his burnt little fingers without screaming. As he reaches the buckle again gets burnt. Continually little Adrien got burnt more than once while hiding his screams and tears from Nathile. Finally the 10th time, he got his buckle in, Nathile was extremely annoyed by Adriens behavior. "When will it take you to buckle?!
From the heat Adrien heavily breathes through the pain starts to sweat then starts to get thirsty. Windows were closed, Adrien struggles to get air and getting cooled. Thankfully they arrived home.
His little body is fully of heat, tries to get cool air to breathe, his legs start to shake and bends over to get cooled. Car has been parked. Nathile again didn't help Adrien that is sitting in a hot vehicle. He slowly buckles and gets up the seat tries to not touch the metal then his fingers slipped again on the latch. His fingers burned more than ever. More tears drip down on his hot face.
5 tries of Adrien getting his little self out of the car with no help. Continually trying not to tear up through the pain from his tiny fingers. Nathile wasn't impress by Adrien all of this time " Hey Adrien be sure to quicker on the next drive, you hear?!"
"Yes- Ma'am.."
Nathile shocked by his words yet gained a huge frown and yells " Adrien Agreste get inside now or else!"
His tears rushed down on his hot little face with fear of being hurt or punished.
Adrien rushed up the stairs with every little step he takes to his room. Shutting the door so quiet with his burnt fingers was beginning him wanting to scream. Then notice that he has something in mind that will cheer him up. He still had his backpack on his shoulders then pulls gently and slowly with his sensitive fingers to get the drawing. Suddenly he grew a smile on his face with relief. "Don't worry princess I'm here."
Nathile merges through the door without knocking first. She sees that Adrien has a paper in his hand " What do you have there Adrien!!!!!!??" He quickly hides the paper behind his back then looks up with worry to what Nathile is going to do with his princess. Nathile and Adrien stood in silence with eye contact. Adriens little hands starts to shakes within every second Nathile eyed him. "Well Adrien you better go to bed in 5 minutes, you hear?"
"Yes Nathile."
Within the 5 minutes, manages his little body up to the sink to brush his teeth. Realizing on how he gets down without getting hurt, with his little legs slowly drag across the counter and puts down one leg than the other suddenly his left leg slips down. Adrien got scared then notice that he got down safely. His leg still hurts from the fall yet notice that nobody cared to check up on him made his little eyes water.

5 minutes later........
Nathile checked to see if Adrien is in his room and he was. Appears to be in his little bed and covered up in a dark room. Nathile then leaves his room without saying a word to him.
Adrien worries if his life will ever change for the better. In solution, he pulls outs his drawing then talks to his princess before bed, with the last word "I love you Marinette!"
Couple of years he has been so attached to his drawing. On morning and nights with talks beside his drawing of his girl. He thought days were going to get better until .......
Thanks for reading!!! I hope you all have a good night or day!!!! Love y'all! Get ready for next Chapter!!!! For warning ⚠️ for next chapter!!!

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