His Heartbreak

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"What on earth are you doing with my son?" Emilie keeping as quiet as possible like she were a spy only to not let Adrien in. "I'm sorry Mrs. Agreste." Marinette having her guts to the ground. She swallows harder than wood from a tree. "Tell me the truth child!" Emilie having a harsh mouth towards her. Windows getting darker at the minute in the master bedroom. Which entrapped Marinette to the bones where they break.

"He was helping me.." Marinette got cut off by Emilie. "Helping? Huh!" Managing her arms to do the not so proudly cross mothers pose. Emilie wasn't impressed and continues to scuffs at her once more. "Tomorrow tell Adrien you don't want to hang out or see him ever again." Emilie appoints to her.

Salty mixture rushes through Marinette's eyes. "Go on." His mother demands. Marinette was about to leave but Emilie had her final word.

"Also tell him you don't love him." Marinette's feels of worry in her arm with his mother's griping. "You hear? Or there will be consequences!"

She nods back to Emilie and makes her quick ways back to Adrien. She heard a whisper from his mother that Marinette wasn't proud of.

There was him in the room, silent having his arms glued towards the door in the front area. "Adrien?" Marinette approaching rather a less dazzled smile. "What is it? I miss you!" He begins on with a charming grin. About to come close again with each other but Marinette held the wait for a magical break up.

"Marinette? What's wrong?" Adrien about to take her by the hand unfortunately she refuse do to a purpose cause. "I -I don't.."

"You can tell me anything Marinette." Himself being a kind spirited charming like a prince but the same slit frown planted on her face. His mother had to cut in their discussion only to be concerned if Marinette had followed her orders.
Ignoring the fact she barged in she plants a motherly smile towards her only son. "Would you like some hot cocoa to warm things up a bit?"

Marinette and Adrien synced to their nods of acknowledgment towards Emilie.
Emilie dropping her earring while Marinette being her cute self only to lend a helping hand towards Adrien's mother.

Emilie crouching close to Marinette's ear to whisper eagerly. " Did you do it?" Marinette starting to grow tears as if a flower lost its last petal. Loving Adrien concerned once more. "Is everything alright?" Emilie rolled her eyes hard.

"I'm okay Adrien.." Marinette let out a huge sigh as her fingers shake every second of thinking a lie that Emilie wants her to tell Adrien. Making up her own mind of sitting in a dining table chair where nobody eats before expect holidays. "You're parents will be here in a hour!" Emilie hollers from the kitchen while Adrien is about to walk towards Marinette, gracefully.

"Son?" Emilie held her hand out to him before he could reach for Marinette. "Yeah..." He stuttered a little but felt fire on his arm since all the beats. "Be careful about her..."

"Careful?"  Adrien questions once more to his unfaithful mother. Her son proceeds his walks towards his crush then gradually takes a place by her where she sits. "Adrien can we talk..." "alone?" Marinette whispers near the ears as she plants her hand gently to his hand.

Both of them in his room, alone. "What is it? Did I hurt you?" Adrien softly speaks to her then her perspective of him maybe about to kiss. "Wait Adrien." "I don't think...."

He brushes her hair away from the face as she is speaking. "I don't..." Marinette starts to mutter then holding in her tears of hurt. "Love you..."

"You don't love me?" Adrien begins to break into tears which hits Marinette down in the guts of thoughts of them kissing and felt something but that's gone. "We shouldn't do this..." Marinette repeats.

"I don't understand." Adrien about to let his lips touch her cheek for security. "I should pack..." Marinette solemn with every word she tells to him and slowly proceeding to pack up. Focusing on the paper where she found "Dream Girl" under Adrien's bed a spot of tears on her red cheeks.

"Everything okay? And we can be at least friends, right?" Adrien trying to cheer things up even though he's heartbroken. Seeing her on his bed emotional frustrated gets the beats of him sitting by her. "Adrien. I don't think we should... see each other...." Marinette says with a breaking voice. Both of them on the bed awkwardly close together but once they do they break distance.

"I thought.... you will always be my friend...." Adrien heartbreaks more that he begins to breath heavily so much he could pass out. "I thought someone loves me for me?" He continues.

Marinette couldn't take it in anymore. Thinking of what is controlling her that maybe she would control her own life. "Adrien you are going to pass out..."She begins to warn then reaches out her arms out to him.

"I -I always love you Marinette!" His eyes growing heavy as she is about catch him by her lap, crying. "I love you forever Adrien...." she whispers as he is unconscious, still in tears then screams.

A large bear of steps came up the stairs. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!" Emilie yells at her then grabs her bags. Continue demanding her exiting from the house. "Don't go near my son again!"

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