His Hopeless Self

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Marinette and Zach made their ways back in class. She turned out not so proud when she got to her desk. Zach's eyes tighten once he saw the note on the chair he sits on. Whispering to himself the words that's on that note. Tend to have a smirk going on. "Zach?" Marinette questions as her hands are folded behind the back politely stands by his desk. Then Adrien appeared to be abnormal with others. Again he saw his crush with Zach laughing like as were he told a joke to her.

Adrien having a weight on his chest. Can't contain of everything else is going on. "Mr. Agreste please can you tell us what the answer is to number 20?" Ms. Brown repeats until she gets a answer from Adrien. Himself rising two fingers up at his instructor. Him daydreaming about being together with Marinette that also might not happen.

"Um that is correct actually! Please Agreste talk to me after class." What do you know the bell rings once Ms. Brown spoke those words. His teen self watching Marinette walking out of class. Seems that she didn't see Adrien once they are close with one another by the entrance.

"I see that you have been lacking on focusing but your grades are excellent!" Ms. Brown points out while flipping to each grade book page. That's where he had to speak. But couldn't. He couldn't stand with all that is going on in his life of beats. He nods to let Ms. Brown know he's listening. The teacher excused him for the day, Adrien grunting as he steps out of the building.

Then his mind saying, was that note for me or Zach? Should I go? Will she freak? No no. Wait I think I should in case if it is. Did she mean going to the cafe or the park?

What Adrien doesn't know it is for him! Continues to stroll through the sidewalks not so proudly. Then he sees a familiar beautiful girl by the window inside at Ben's Coffee and Bake. Then suddenly he turns from that cute smile to a depressed heartbroken frown once Zach appears to be with her. Decides to slowly step his ways home.

No surprises at home, arriving. More and more torture on Adrien once his father beats him rapidly on the spine. Gabriel never really gives him breaths to recover but seems that he admires abusing his own birth son. Emilie appears to be noticed by Adrien, herself peaking through the master bed doorway. He couldn't breathe. Trying to hide tears from his own family and anyone else.
"NOW GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABORTED!" Gabriel ranting at him with anger. And having no regrets on every word he had yelled.

"Aborted?", Adrien thought to himself then shakes once a unexpected knock at his door. His mother!? "Adrien?" His mother about to put her hands on him but Adrien refuses. "I don't think that about you Adrien and please speak to me!" She whines. Still no response from her son. She tried to bring his voice out but whatever she does doesn't work.

Adrien has a hard time with trust. Her long blonde hair touching her son's shoulder which makes him shiver. "Son I don't wish that on you. Please. Stop acting like your father!" Emilie rethinking in the grabs for a Kleenex to wash away her tears. Adrien is not pleased. Wishing to himself that the girl he loves, wanting to be together forever or his parents stop the madness and having himself happy but it won't happen.

Emilie was done with the foolishness from her son, in solution to leave him again in the dust. He can't hold himself.

Wishing that it's tomorrow already. His fifteen years self, trying to impress the lady he is falling for but doubts he's a loser and a idiot. The window is usually his spot to have his doubts on by staring out of the impossibleness in his life.

Appears that he is running on a struggle bus for the last part of the day then unprepared for the next. His stomach unstable. Making his marks to the regular days of being a freshman.

"Hi Adrien! Couldn't make it yesterday and that's okay if you couldn't?" Marinette brings a generous smile as they are sitting together. "Yah I couldn't...." He thought it would be best to block his image. "Adrien...?"

"Hey Babe! So tonight I was thinking...." Zach had the bright ideas to just come to Marinette and convince for a date. He got interrupted by her. "Don't call me that!" "I'm actually busy!" Zach wasn't impressed. Marinette continues to reason him.
Adrien keeps his mind off of whatever is happening.
Since it was a half day of school, students rushed out the doors like wild animals once the last bell rang in the afternoon. Marinette try to make her ways to Adrien but Zach had the controls to try to flirt some more. Then Zach realized to rush for his "hangouts" that he has for this weekend. She wasn't impressed by him even from the start. (Which will explain in the POV of Marinette in the other book!)

Adrien tried to not be noticed by anyone but he did from Marinette. Approaching at the front doors of the school, she had to catch her breath.
"Adrien? Would you like to talk?" Marinette giving the most gentle smile she ever gave to him. "Sure.." He seems unsure of things.
"Are you free tomorrow or tonight?" Still in the friendly mood but Adrien couldn't bare to smile a little.

"Are you alright Adrien?" She speaks quietly.
Hey sorry for the late publishing on this story! Please I hope y'all are enjoying the story!!! Sorry it's not the greatest!
And thank you for 150 reads!!!! Love y'all!

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