His Lies

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The living room became still as water at sea but dead. "I- I." Marinette about to complete her words but she got cut off by Adrien. "We were just hanging out on the couch and waiting for you." Adrien focusing on his mouth only not to sound like he is hiding something. "Well Good night you two! Marinette you are going home tomorrow!" Emilie making her happy ways to her master bed room but before she closed the door she planted a smile towards Adrien.

Both confused teenagers standing beside one another in front of the furniture then got jump scared of Emilie's exit. Adrien continues to have a bright smile once he realize that him and his crush are alone.

"Adrien?" Marinette questioned with her tugging onto her jeans. He nods back to Marinette. "Was it real?" She was about to break into tears. He is confused but worried on her. "About what?" Himself about to place his hands on her shoulders but she shoved a little. "Nothing."

"Let's just go to bed." Marinette mutters and getting herself ready to head up the stairs. "Wait!" Adrien gradually takes her by the hand with a gentle spirit voice. She can't feel her legs right. "Adrien... let's just forget..." Tears shedding with frustration on her red cheeks. "No about us?" Adrien, himself about to be broken. Marinette has taken so much sorrow that something needs to be done to fix it. Flashbacking of Adrien's stories which he had told to her that might bring back the feelings that she has on him.

"Marinette? You okay?" He reassures then pulls her into a hug on the heavy, dark staircase. Marinette started to ramble about what she felt about their friendship and how trouble she had with her ex. But this got him to the degree to help her out. "There is no way nobody like nobody would-.." She got shut up by Adrien.

Their lips synced with so much tenderness. Blocking all the darkness and forcing back the magic of their loves. Adrien pulling his lady closer to his chest where he could feel her heart beats along with his. Everything was perfect for these love birds. This was real.

"Adrien? I-" Marinette scattered in her mind of confessing after their lips aren't collided. Adrien was about to lean in for once more with placing his hand to her dry cheek. Then his mother had to interrupt again. "What are you doing?" His mother said but not proudly.

"There was something in her hair mother." Adrien defends for his girl but knowing it was a lie which explains his knots in his tummy. "On the ground with each other close at face? I don't think so." Emilie about to take Adrien to a separate room with attaching her hand to his.

Marinette was barely stable of what his mother is doing to her son. "I can't stand here and be an idiot." She whispers to herself. "He didn't do anything wrong.." Marinette had her words But apparently didn't come to Emilie once the door is shut behind her and Adrien in the Master.

"What are you thinking son?" Emilie crossing her motherly arms to show that she is disappointed. "I was helping her out mother." Then her aggression became ugly by fingering pointing at his face. "Lie!" "And I will speak to her."

"Please Mother. I- I-" He got cut off by his mother. "You love her? Don't you?" Adrien pauses of what the words had been said from his mother. Adrien about to reach for his mother when she is heading out the door to get Marinette. But he was too late due to his weakness.

"Marinette come here. I would like to have little talk with you. Alone!" Emilie on the steps behind confused Marinette. "Okay.."

Short Chapter! I hope y'all are enjoying the story! Have a lovely day! :)

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