His Surprise

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Sorry for the confusion of which stories that I'm updating. I came to conclude that I will schedule this story "Until I Found You" to be four or five times a week. And "Secret Bonds" like every Fridays and Saturdays. (I will try!💕) hope you all are enjoying!

Emilie having her lungs burst with a shriek once the glass shatters into little pieces. Adrien couldn't quit know where that horror show is coming from. Instead making the choices of being in bed , cuddling himself. Having chills down through his veins as his heart drops on the floor when steps appear closer to his door.

"Moron please stop your games. And since you came to disappoint your parents there's no dinner to be served. Clean up and start to head for bed since school is tomorrow."
As Nathalie's knuckles glued onto his creaked bedroom door knob making squeaky sounds with every turn she made.

In his stabbing head rapidly forward to yes. Quickly changed for the night for bed in his uncomfortable sensitive skin touching the thick rough sheets.

His belly growls with every desires of thinks of what he had tasted at school. The bread Marinette gave to him. He couldn't get the name.
Holding on to the rumbling friend that's inside of him.

Waking up full eyes on the floor creeping down as he feet has been placed. Shaky on the knees. With motions to the front doors waiting for Nathalie's appearance, Adrien spotted a bright light yet much brighter than the sun. Him thinking he saw angels.

Adrien having his ankles ache with every step away from whatever he stands. Regular routine in the expensive limo on the way to school. Girls hovering over him telling about his attractiveness.

Adrien couldn't help it once he gone to his assigned seat. Feeling hot on the cheeks, sweat through his whole aching body. Marinette there on time, sitting politely as a bright smile appeared on her face.
"Hello Adrien! Hope you are doing well."
Trying to choose to speak his mind to her but couldn't still.
"I understand Adrien and you are a good drawer."

He'd erase some of the marks to his drawing of a rose in a woman's hair. Marinette chuckles and is admired.
The drawing appeared to be Marinette having a plant in her hair.

Continuing with Ms. Brown instructing the class. Adrien having contact with Marinette as herself making faces as she writes. Him laying his hot cheeks on the surface to only glance at Marinette.
"What are you looking at Adrien." She puts on a bright smile.

He immediately began to face the opposite direction with redness set on his cheeks.
After school came to quick. Since early release. Adrien confused but still follows.

Opening the heavy doors on his own then him having a blush come on. Outside Marinette standing by the greens leaf tree alone.
Making his ways to slowly glide his feet towards her without a appearance.

Came clear she has found him. "Hey Adrien! Doing ok?"
Him fantasticated with her strands blowing through the soft winds. Then nods yes to reassure her that he is okay.

"I almost forgot." Reaching hands for her school bag.
"Here I figure if you would like a macaroon." Her hands touching with Adrien then them glancing closely.

"Sorry" they both mutter. Then Adrien just realized he has spoken.

Realizing that he didn't cause any trouble with Marinette instead she continues a smile but bright once he spoke.
"It's okay Adrien! Would you like to hangout? Hope you enjoy the macaroon."
She hands the macaroon in his hands in the forgets of the distraction of glancing.

"Sure... Marinette and no this is good!" He mumbles while his hands still attach to the bake good that has been bitten.

"Okay that's good! Am I making you uncomfortable Adrien?" She reassures.

Immediately his voice grew louder and clearer.
"No no not at all it's just...." Tears start to appear on his sockets.

"What's wrong Adrien? It's okay not to be okay." She led him a hug.

Having his tears about to come out fully then him thinking 'I shouldn't cry and I'm an idiot towards her and a boy crying really?'

"It's okay Adrien. You can cry it out. I'm here." Carrying him like they were a couple on a tree cuddling.
Somehow his tears couldn't come out. But yet again he doesn't want them too.
"Sorry- I didn't mean it Marinette."
He rushes his ways out of her shoulder then still sits beside her on the grass.

"Don't worry Adrien it's okay. I'm here for you. I wouldn't dare to tell anyone about this." She tries to comfort him with another hug.
Realizing the macaroon has been on the ground since they have hugged. Rushing through his words "sorry Marinette I dropped your macaroon I'm sorry."

"It's okay Adrien. Don't worry about it. How are you doing?" Planting hands on his shoulders.

"Why are you so nice to me? And am I a trouble to you?" As his head facing the ground on the last word he spoke.

"Wait what no. You definitely are not. And um I don't know maybe because you need a friend so.. also you are nice too!"

His eyes got tightened then turns into a tomato face. "A friend... really I never had one before..."

Marinette suddenly looks if were to feel sorry for him. "Well I would be happy to be your friend Adrien."

"Really...?" He pouts but yet not a tear.
"Yes!" She smiles even brighter.

Adrien thinking again once more, am I being a true friend because I don't want it to be all about me. Also I like her like like her!

"Enough about me Marinette. What about you?" Himself realizing his hands are on her shoulders.

"Well I'm okay.... and thanks for not judging me Adrien." Having her cuddles with him.

His widen sockets shocked to the last sentence she'd told him. I'm not judgmental? And is she okay? I hope I'm making her happy. Thoughts through his mind. Turning his head from the hug to respond to her.
Facing with her eyes locking with his while sitting on the dry and settle grass.

"Of course Marinette. And you are really pretty."

Hope y'all are enjoying and sorry this chapter is not as good then the others. Thanks for reading! And supporting me!
DON'T FORGET TO VOTE :if you want too! 😊
Stay peachy 💛

Quick questions in the comments.
What do you think Marinette will respond?

Whose your favorite character?

What do you think friendship means to Adrien?

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