His Defeats

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Hey I want to update that this will be a series!!! And will start to see Marinette's POV on the second book. (The writing style will be different) I really hope y'all are enjoying this book one!
Adrien still bummed about himself not being approachable to Marinette. Through out the school day was teachers begging for attention from confused, exhausted students. Wondering in mind that he has more than one class with Marinette. Made himself a little more hopeful in the chances of being with her.
But what he'd didn't thought of is the seating arrangements in each class they have together. Except one they sat together.

Charming eyes spotting his crush, Marinette with every move she has made in class. That every time she made a drop of anything or her misplaced something. Adrien would silently support to help. Then distracted again on her beauty.

"Thanks Adrien." She smiles as she slowly turns away on her seat to resume class.

Then it happens again with her pencil slipping down the edge towards the hard floor during Biology. Students began to laugh and stare in the situation by Marinette dropping a pencil once again.
"Sorry." She mumbles.

Adrien softly drops to his knees on the hard floor of the classroom abouts to pick up her writing utensil. Her scent coming to his nose once again. Getting Adrien distracted.

"Thanks Adrien again! You are so nice." Marinette making eye contact as she smiles. Them on the floor while Mr. Lane waits impatiently.
Clears his throat then breaks to a ugly tone.

"Excuse me children this is no time to hangout on the ground and waste time!" Having his hands with a textbook as he was teaching.

Adrien didn't mean for the embarrassment that he had set on Marinette. Instead wants to help.
"Adrien thank you again. Would you like to hangout sometime and don't worry about what just happened." As she seems to write something down on a sheet of paper.

"Here is my number if you ever need anything." Marinette handoff a slip of the little paper that she'd tore down to Adriens desk behind her.

He couldn't help to have sweat going on his whole body.
Marinette: 345-182-9012 :)
'I got her number!!! But unfortunately I don't have a cell.'

The last bell rings for the school day. Adrien about to approach out of the school doors, Alya suddenly stomps up to him.
"Heyyyy Adrien! Where were you at lunch? Also would you like to hangout right now?" As her lips chumping on bubble gum.

Him shaking to no. The unnecessary thing has been begin with Alya hanging her arm over him like a bear just crawled. Girls screaming while Alya's hands are touch with Adrien's. "He is MINE!" Fangirls barging their ways to Adrien.
Suddenly something doesn't feel right with him. A hand touch perhaps?
"What if I touched hands with Marinette?" As Adrien wonders his imaginations though Alya screaming at his face.

"Hey Alya what's with the screaming?" As Marinette giving her a concern looks as her hands placed on hips.

"Well Adrien and I are together. Ha! How's your boyfriend?" She huffs, bringing her hands to Adrien's neck for balance.

"Why would it be any of your business! And also leave him alone Alya! Don't embarrass him."

"Well he doesn't speak so he is maybe deaf so he doesn't know." Her whispering hardly in Marinette's ears. Marinette starts to tear then defends.

"What if he doesn't want to be bothered Alya!"

Alya getting annoyed from the conversation she has with Marinette about Adrien.
Her reaches for Adrien to the shoulders.
"I'm sorry about that and are you okay Adrien?"

He nods but yet mumbles 'Thank you', she couldn't quit hear.

"Don't mind Alya. Don't worry if you feel uncomfortable by me just let me know?" As Marinette's lips moving slowly as she speaks.

Looking at her watch that she had to go do to her unlikely life also.
"I'm sorry Adrien I have to head home. It's really nice meeting you!" Her runs for the sidewalks.

Fantasied by her hair swings as she runs away for home. Her scent fading.
Same usual stops for his transportation.

Someone Adrien wasn't pleased of seeing.
His Father!?
Had a belt on his hands liking the intensions to beat the hell out of Adrien.
As Adrien slowly approaches to the front door his father stood. Gabriel closed the door once they're in then starts to beat him like a brick.

Spill of blood came from his mouth as his father whacks him harder. Couldn't feel anything in his back or spine. Basically his whole self.

With minutes of hate coming from his own father screaming in to beating his son.

Ending up not so pretty on Adrien's image. Once the beats has cease Adrien couldn't make it to the makeup of his mother's.
Searching in every drawer couldn't find the foundation. Then his mother appears to be in the master bathroom.
Suddenly Adrien's hurt dry red eyes approach a familiar item.

"I see that you found the makeup." His mother having her tea in her hands, sipping.

Him rolling his eyes to proceed the makeover.

"I'm talking to you son!" Her tone becoming harsh.

Still no word from his mouth. "When are you going to talk to me son? Will you speak?"

Having his runaways to his room to rethink. Praying for help once more. Remembering that Marinette will be at school and they will hangout tomorrow.

His lungs burning as were someone blowing a torch with every breath his takes. Then a loud crash of glass came from downstairs.
Hope y'all like the short chapter!

Quick questions:

~Will Adrien be able to spend times with Marinette?

~Why do you think Gabriel and Emilie acts this way?

~ Do you think Adrien will ever speak? If yes then how?

~ what do you think made the glass shatter?

Let me know in the comments 😊

Please enjoy! And love y'all!
Stay peachy!!!

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