His Scars

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Adrien now is 10. Continue getting abused by his parents, more from his father. With every belt slap or hits from him by the fist. Adrien couldn't help the fact of being a poor image, bruises and bleeds. Ignorance of being shut out yet beaten with attention.

His little elementary self couldn't get reasons on why his birth parents treats him this way. Still remain in his same bland empty cold room, with a harden low mattress to sleep on.

Himself finding it hard to catch every breath in his burning guts. Over the five years, he has forgotten about his drawing, his dream girl.

One thing he hasn't forgotten was The Lord. Continuing to pray for happiness and helping with his parents issues. Hoping that someone would understand this little boy.

On weekends, dinner would be served in small portions like a sandwich. And on week days scraps small as dust would be set to eat.

Adrien looking outside his dusty window eyeing kids with parents happily by their side, and fed.
Himself wishing he had that but still had faith.

Nathile normally checks on Adrien with a stern look every time she enters his room. Her job is to maintain him keeping out of trouble and making him feel like he doesn't belong.

Every night Adrien would look at his reflection, trying to man up of not being emotional. Again he is 10. Hiding his tears.

His mother continues to verbally attack the worthlessness of his existence. "Why on earth would I want you in this world! You are a useless child!"

Adrien always questions himself with doubt and had suicidal thoughts. But couldn't preform it do to his faith. Himself not giving up. His little self doesn't know what happiness really is.

Thinking he never really haven't felt that emotion. Hurts of laying or standing in every parts of his broken body. Still slapped with every word has been spoken from every time Adrien speaks.
Hearing creeks through the wood titles, tip toeing his little self to find a way out. So he would work for money to afford for education.
Kept looking through hot summer days, but nobody would want a abuse image. Instead they would require a clean look. He continues to be locked out from social life.

With all the thoughts Adrien currently has, Nathalie in quicks to check up on a Sunday morning.
"Come on little child grow up and it's not right to go outside. You are not like others! In fact you should obey! Got it?" Adrien standing by the dust window sadly pondering, shaky on the legs. Scared to speak his words with others, tends to nod to yes or no. Wouldn't dare to speak. Nathalie annoyance from him, storming out the door.
Continue Adrien glances at the dusty window, feeling unsteady from all the beats his family created.

With no interactions, the whole days went by his childhood in eating late, cold baths, sitting in his room locked up. During this night at eight thirty, his little ears couldn't bare the yells that's near downstairs. Cuffing his little ears into his pillow, trying to fade out the screams. "GABRIEL STOP PLEASE!" Adrien couldn't take it anymore. Mindset that he recognized the voice could be his mother. "We are married Emilie and please let's go to bed." Then there the door closed.

Thinking to his little self. 'Is my mother okay? Did I do something wrong? Will she start slapping me? And continue to say mean things to me?' 

Over the years Adrien would go to bed hear yelling from the parents. Sleepless child. And Speechless. He hasn't spoke a word ever since he was five. Getting harder breaths each day has gone by from abuse.

His imagine, he couldn't dare to tell anyone about. One thing he could describe is a stuffy bear has been torn to pieces but that's not the case. Him feeling useless.
Thanks for reading! Hope you all are enjoying the sad story of Adrien. Get ready for the next chapter.
Remember nobody is useless! Stay peachy 💛

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