Chapter 4

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Your Pov

I sat in the back with Lizzie while Scott was driving. Lizzie was on her phone and soon I got a notification. She posted something on Twitter. I didn't read it though. I was just looking out the window while we drove in silence.

After about 10 minutes we were at Scott's house. Lizzie had to go now so I was alone with my 'dad'... Yea I'm not calling him that. That's weird.

From the outside the house was really nice. It wasn't too big. It was enough for 2 people. I followed Scott as he went to the  front door. I walked inside. His house was so adorable! (I'm not going to be describing how the house looks, if you want to know just go watch the video that I put at the top and add your room to it. Even though it's a fiction I really like how his house looks so I'm not changing anything)

"Um.. so welcome to your new house!" I smiled as he welcomed me in. "I see your not very chatty.." "Y-yea" I answered looking down. "I'll show you around" Scott said and I followed him. He showed me the Living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, his office, his bedroom and then lastly my room. I stepped in and immediately fell in love. "I didn't decorate it too much because I didn't know if your would like it so we can go shopping for that some day" he said. "I love it" I exclaimed as I sat on my new bed. "I'm glad" he smiled and sat beside me. "Lizzie, Joel and Oli helped me a lot. Oh yeah and Lizzie also picked some clothes for you, they are in the wardrobe" I stood up and opened the wardrobe. Inside there were lots of cute clothes. There were more clothes then in our whole orphanage. I loved them all.

I wonder how Scott is outside of camera. Is he really so kind and nice? Could I actually trust him or is he just like that on YouTube? I guess I'll find out... I wonder how long I will be here before I get put back to adoption.

I really like how he lives. I love blue just as much as he does (well he loves teal but I count that as blue, even though it's blue and green mixed together) and my room is grey and blue which look adorable together.

I sat back down beside him and we talked. Around 2pm Scott told me to dress nicely as we were going to get dinner with Lizzie and Joel.

Scott's Pov

I told y/n to dress nicely in one of the clothes Lizzie gave her as we were going to meet with Lizzie and Joel to get dinner. I went to change myself. I wore some jeans and a fancy shirt. Was I too fancy? I went downstairs and y/n was sitting on the couch. She was wearing a Navy dress and she had her hair up into astral buns. She was on her phone on Twitter. "Ready?" I asked.

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