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   A/N I know that this is a modern type story and that they're hackers but there is also Castles/Palaces for the Royalty. The Werewolf King has a Castle. Don't judge the confusing details.
Chapter 2...| Counter Hacking

    A deep, angered roar pierced through the silent wall of the castle, the sound itself was enough to make anything or anyone cower in fear and submit.

"What do you mean 'someone hacked into the street cameras, deleted footage and you couldn't track them down'? You're supposed to be the best goddamn hacker alive and now I find out that you can't even hack through a barrier put up by some peasant?" The King growled angrily at the shaking male in front of him.

"I-I'm sorry, Sire. I know I failed you, but please don't kill me. I found out some information that I think would be important." The hacker, Minho stated shakily as he watched the cold eyes of the King narrow in on him..

"And what would that be?" The King snarled causing the beta to jump.

"T-the hacker's name is V, and I traced the location. The hacker lives here, in Seoul; in one of the villa's located in the eastern area." Minho explained, causing the King to smirk.

"Sire, do you want me to send some troops to capture the hacker?" A tall man with white hair asked as he stepped closer to the King.

"No, Namjoon. Let's wait, if it happens again, then we will take action but for now let them have their fun." The King replied as he signalled for Minho to leave the throne room.

The King sighed heavily as he turned to his beta for anything regarding the situation. Jimin, the beta, shook his head and sighed as well.

"Listen, Kook; I think that if this person can get by our security for the street cams then they can get through anything. You had special firewalls and mainframes put into those cameras and if this hacker can break through them that easily than I think we should eliminate them for our safety and our people's safety." Jimin explained as the aforementioned nodded.

"I guess you are right," The King sighed."I guess we'll have to wait until they strike again." He chuckled before heading out of the throne room, and towards his bedroom.


Meanwhile, Taehyung had just finished making breakfast for him and his hyung.

"Hyung!" Taehyung called and not long after a groggy looking Yoongi walked into the kitchen.

"What?" Yoongi yawned as he sat down at the table.

"I made us breakfast!" The younger cheered as he set down a plate of delicious looking pancakes in front of his brother, taking a seat after with his own plate and started eating.

They ate in a comfortable silence, both of them enjoying the others company as they savoured the delicious pancakes. When they were done, Taehyung grabbed each of their plates and brought them to the sink so they could be washed later.

Taehyung walked into the living room to see his brother staring at a calender, deep in thought. He knew what was happening.

"I was just thinking... we need to get into the King's mainframe and database, they might have information about our species and that's not good." Yoongi stated in all seriousness while Taehyung nodded.

"Yes, if we can successfully hack into the database, we can erase every important information they may have gathered concerning our kind and us being alive." The younger spoke, his intellectual side coming to the surface as he calculated in his head their chances of success.

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