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Chapter 4...| The King

    The castle was quite eery as the Vampire walked inside, his younger brother still in his arms as he followed the white haired werewolf.

The castle wasn't exactly what he was expecting it to be; Yoongi expected there to be no light, warm, and the wall would have pictures of the King but it wasn't like that. The castle was dark, cold and had deep burgundy walls. The only pictures on the walls were ones of the landscape, that's it.

Namjoon led the black haired male into one of the many guest rooms. Making his way over to the king sized bed in the center of the room, Yoongi placed the blonde in his arms on the bed and pulled the blankets over the smallers body. Namjoon smiled from the corner of the room as he watched how careful the raven haired male was with the blonde.

"I'll follow you to the King. But let this be a warning; if my brother gets hurt in any way, shape or form while I'm speaking with your King, I swear I'll kill you." Yoongi gritted out, sending a harsh glare as he walked passed the white haired male, waiting for him to lead the way.

"I'll keep that in mind." Namjoon gulped. Even though the hacker was shorter than him, Namjoon could feel the dominance oozing from his body, making him feel somewhat afraid of the smaller male.

The walk to the throne room was a silent one as the two males walked in perfect, awkward silence. Upon arriving at the doors, Yoongi let out a heavy sigh.

"He's in here." Namjoon stated as he opened the doors to the throne room, revealing a godlike man. The King himself.

The King looked up to see his Head General and an unrecognizable black haired male walking towards him.

"Who is this, Namjoon?" The King asked as his Beta eyed the stranger suspiciously.

"Sire, this is one of the hackers that got through our security and helped delete some files." Namjoon explained as he bowed to his king.

The King raised a brow as a smirk played at his lips."Where's the other hacker then? You did say that this is one of them." He asked as he took notice of how the hacker stiffened slightly.

"Well he's-" Namjoon got interupted..

"My brother is currently resting after getting attacked by your soldiers. He should wake up soon, therefore meeting him can wait." Yoongi growled as he glared at the King.

Yoongi's eyes drifted to the pink haired male beside the king. He was absolutely gorgeous as he stood there, his posture never slacking as he kept his head held high; that was expected of the Head Alpha's Beta. The pink haired male made eye contact with Yoongi before shyly looking away.

"As you wish. What is your name?" The King questioned as he sat up straighter.

"I'll wait until my brother wakes up to answer any further questions." Came Yoongi's reply.

After that was said, the entire throne room went into a tense silence. The King was quite shocked that this hacker had the guts to talk back to him, he was used to wolves and other creatures bowing down in submission. The stranger was different. Yoongi was on high alert until he finally heard something that made his protectiveness sky-rocket.

"H-hyung? HYUNG?! HYUNGIE?! Y-y-y-you said you wouldn't leave me alone! Where are you!?" The frantic voice of his brother rang through the halls before Yoongi turned towards the throne room door and sprinted out and down the hall; making sure to mask his true speed.

The black haired male arrived at the room his brother was in and opened the door softly, only to see his brother hugging his knees whilst crying.

"Tae? I'm here." Yoongi called softly as the blondes head snapped up to look at him.

"HYUNG! I-I-I-I t-thought you l-left me.." the younger cried softly as Yoongi pulled him into a hug.

"I would never leave you Taehyung. Now stop your crying and come with me." Yoongi said firmly as Taehyung dried his tears.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he was pulled out of the room, and followed his brother to a room at the end of the hall.

"To talk to the King." Yoongi answered in a clipped tone, to which Taehyung winced slightly; he could feel his brothers bitterness, and protectiveness all too well.

They opened the throne room doors and everyone's eyes were focused on the blonde; especially the Kings.
The males in the room were mesmerized by the blondes astonishing beauty; He had flawless sparkling pale white skin, sinful cherry red plump lips, paired with deep beautiful brown eyes and gorgeous platinum blonde hair.

Taehyung let out a squeak as he hastily hid behind his hyung. He's never liked the attention so having everyone in the room stare at him was unnerving.

"So, you two are the hackers that successfully got passed my security and deleted files that were fairly important to me?" The Kings deep voice rang out through the room causing the blonde to peak out from behind his brothers back.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared but Taehyung was more than scared. He was terrified. The King looked like he could eat him up right then and there.

"Yes, we are. But it was mainly this fluff ball right here." Yoongi replied as he ruffled his brothers hair causing him to whine.

"Hyung! That's embarrassing!" Taehyung whined as Jimin and Namjoon resisted the urge to coo at the young boy.

"May I know your names?" The King asked as he eyed the blonde in awe.

Yoongi groaned before facing the King properly. "Min Yoongi, I'm 125 years old, I'm his older brother and I helped with hacking into your database." He stated as he bowed slightly.

The room was silent before the blonde finally gained courage to speak.

"I-I'm Min Taehyung, I'm 118 years old and my Hyung helped me hack into your mainframe and database in order to delete some unwanted information that you had obtained. It was pretty easy honestly." Taehyung finished confidently, his intellectual side making an appearance.

"Are you trying to say that you're better than my hackers?" The King scoffed, although his eyes shone with amusement.

"Sire, statistically speaking, through extensive research and information gathering, it is a fact that I am currently the best hacker alive, my brother coming in second. I'm not trying to be disrespectful but it's the truth." Taehyung explained as he bowed to the King.

The room fell silent once again. The two Vampires stayed side by side as Taehyung suddenly started to feel nervous. What would you do if you were the last Vampires alive, trapped in a room with a bunch of Werewolves not to mention one of them being the king.

"Hmm I guess you are right. Also don't call me 'Sire' from now on." The King said as he smirked at the blonde, who looked up at him in confusion.

"T-then what do I call you?" The blonde asked tilting his head cutely to the side as his brother brought him close.

"Well, call me by my name. Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook stated as he watched the small, ethereal male whisper the name to himself.

"Okay, now if there's nothing else I'd like to leave with my brother." Yoongi cut in as everyone looked at him. Jungkook took a deep breath when a thought suddenly clicked in his brain.

He hasn't smelt any unfamiliar scents since the two strangers entered the castles. Why couldn't he smell them? That's what was on his mind as the King stood up out of his throne and quickly walked over to the pair and tried to inhale their scents.

"What are you?" Jungkook blurted as he eyed the two males.


Uh oh.. drama is coming.. have fun sorry if it sucksI'm really trying.


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