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Chapter 16...| Of Surprises and a new look

Jungkook returned to his mate's room after showering, eating some soup and taking a very long nap. When he entered the room, he saw how all of his friends were laid out around the room. Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok were cuddled on the couch that was by the closet. Jin and Namjoon were sleeping on the love seat that they had brought in the room after the blonde was announced dead, so they could be there unless something happened.

Jungkook quietly made his way towards his chair, the one he had been sitting in for the past two weeks without moving. Truth be told, he found it odd to walk again when Yoongi had practically kicked him out of the room to clean himself up. He sat down and took hold of the blondes hand again.

It was around midnight, when Jungkook noticed something strange. At first he thought it was a trick of the moonlight but after a while he realised it wasn't.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed rather loudly causing the others to wake up. Yoongi was by his side before he could blink followed by Jin and then the rest of them.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked as he looked at Jungkook who was staring at Taehyung's body.

"Look at his hair! What's happening?" Jungkook said, pointing at the blondes, not-so-blonde hair.

Yoongi and the others set their gazes on the Blue Royal Bloods hair that was slowly, strand after strand, turning silver. Confusion filled all of them as they could only stand by and watch as the youngers hair mystically changed colours.

"I'm not sure." The Red Royal Blood said as he kept his eyes on his brothers hair.

Within ten minutes, the Blue Royal Bloods hair was Silver and although it looked amazing, the group couldn't be anymore confused. Jungkook asked Hoseok and Jin to go get the head pack doctor as Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin went to get some food or just go with their mates, leaving Jungkook all alone in the room.

The King sighed. He wanted to say something, anything, but he couldn't figure out how to put his feelings into words. He sat back down and held the silverettes hand again. He gently turned his mates hand so he could trace lines on the youngers palm but stopped when he noticed a black crescent moon symbol appear on the vampires wrist. He stared at the tattoo before his words started tumbling out of his mouth.

"I miss you so much Taehyung, it hurts. I don't know why your hair is changing or why this symbol appeared but I want you to know that if you wake up, I'll still love you. No matter what. You are the one that was made for me and I can't see myself with anyone else.. I-I love you.. I love you so much." Tears slowly streamed out of his dark brown eyes as he laid his head on the silverettes stomach.

He silently cried before he froze as he felt the delicate fingers of his beloved mate, wrap around his hand.

Shocked Jungkook shot up, only for his breath to hitch as he watched his ethereal mate, flutter his gorgeous, deep brown eyes open.

"I love.. you too.." Taehyung spoke softly, his deep voice slightly hoarse from not being used in two weeks. At first Jungkook thought he was hallucinating. But when he saw the younger start to sit up he realised that this was real. It was happening.

"Oh my Moon Goddess." Jungkook breathed as he pulled the silverette into a very, very tight hug.

Taehyung hugged him back with the same, if not more strength as he pulled himself impossibly closer to the ravenette. The Blue Royal Blood had tears in the corners of his eyes as he felt his mate nuzzle into the crook of his neck gently brushing his mark with his nose.

They stayed like that for a while until Taehyung gently pushed the Werewolf King away as he could feel the sadness of the others as they arrived at the room.

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