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Chapter 15...| The Other Side

It was dark. Cold. Lonely. But at the same time, it was familiar, calm, safe.

The blonde slowly sat up, deep brown eyes wide in confusion as he looked down at his chest to see the stab wound and blood gone, as if it never happened. Taehyung rose to his feet and looked around the vast area of darkness.

It was lonely.

He didn't like it.

"Hello?" He called into the darkness, his voice sounding softer than normal.

He got no reply. The blonde took a step forward and began walking aimlessly through the darkness, in search of anything, a light, a way out of this void of nothingness.

"Taebear...?" A voice he loved dearly spoke. The voice of someone he lost centuries ago.

"A-appa?" Taehyung stuttered as he slowly turned around, the darkness gradually turning into a forested scenery with beautiful glowing butterflies and fireflies.

"TAEHYUNG!" His dad shouted as he ran to engulf his youngest son in a hug. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were both shocked to see their beautiful baby boy in the Void.

"Baby what are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked softly, his hand delicately taking hold of the youngers.

"I-I don't know.. I think.. I'M DEAD! No no no no this can't be happening! Appa I can't be dead!" The blonde panicked as he ripped his hand away from his Appa's hold and held his head with both his hands.

"I-I just can't be! I just met Kook! We just.. we never.. Hyung is there without me! I can't leave him!" The boy rambled as he sank to his knees, warm tears streaming down his cheeks.

A soft hand laid on top of his head and slowly stroked his hair. It was calming, familiar, and full of love. Chanyeol was furious, he didn't want to see his children for at least another eight centuries. He didn't want them to die so young.

"Son, how did this happen?" The King asked as he pulled both the blonde and his mate into his arms.

"T-there was a war.. with the Warlock King.. My mate, Jungkook, the werewolf King, he tried to be peaceful but the Warlocks wanted to turn everyone against him but we.. we were smarter, had a plan and evidence.." Taehyung paused as he tried to regain his memory.

"On the battlefield, I lost control.. a green eyed Warlock, who worked for the King cut my cheek and my arm and I could suddenly smell all the blood around me.. it was horrible. Trying to resist the thirst when temptation was everywhere.." He trailed off as his parents gave him empathetic looks. They knew what it was like to lose control.

"I killed him, drained him is more like it.. B-but then everything seemed so heightened. It wasn't until I took a minute to breath that I got stabbed through the chest... with a golden blade. It hurt, like a fire was going through my viens.. I couldn't feel anything after that, I could barely see and then I woke up and I'm here." Taehyung finished explaining and his parents were both in thought.

Something wasn't right; When someone dies, they wake up in the void and the light is right in front of them. But with the Blonde, he walked around and suddenly his parents were there. The light was nowhere to be found.

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