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 Chapter 3...| Caught

   Right in front of him was his beloved hyung, tied to a chair with blood running down the side of his head. Taehyung wanted to cry out from the pain he felt coming from his brother.

Cautiously making a step towards the older male, Taehyung slowly but surely made his way towards Yoongi before untying him.

"R-run.. Taehyung." Yoongi breathed as Taehyung set him down on the couch.

"No. I'm not leaving." The blonde replied stubbornly. His eyes widened when he could feel someone else's determination and caution radiating  from behind him.

Clenching his eyes shut Taehyung gripped the spiked bat tightly, before turning around and swinging at the intruder.

A sickening crack rang through the house as the blonde opened his eyes to see two males standing wide-eyed a few feet in front of him, while an unconscious male on the ground bleeding in between them.

"W-who are you!?" Taehyung asked shakily as the two males regained their composure.

"We were sent by the King to come and capture you lousy, amateur hackers. You two are coming with us." The tall one growled taking a step forward, causing Taehyung to inhale sharply before taking a protective step towards his hyung who had regained his strength but was feigning fatigue.

"We won't go with you! You can't just show up breaking in like a bunch of rabid animals, attack my brother, insult us by calling us lousy amateurs, and then say that we are going with you. Sorry sis but that's not how it works." Taehyung snapped with sass as he eyed them carefully.

"If you don't shut up I swear I'll beat the shit out of you." The shorter man spat as Taehyung rolled his eyes, trying to hide his fear.

The two men started walking closer as the small blonde squeaked and swung the bat, successfully hitting one of them in the leg, causing a pained scream to leave his lips. The bat was yanked from his hands and the blonde was pushed to the floor.

Taehyung scrambled to his feet as he got backed into the wall. The taller male towered over his petite figure, glaring harshly at the younger as he raised his fist. He swung at the small blonde, who closed his eyes waiting for the impact that never came.

With wide eyes, Taehyung stared amazed as there in front of him was his brother, who was gripped the fist of his attacker, stopping him from laying a hand on his baby brother.

Yoongi was fuming as his normal dark brown eyes suddenly changed into a glowing dangerous red as he threw the man away from his brother. Groans of pain were heard throughout the room as Yoongi turned to ask the blonde if he was okay, only to have to catch him before he hit the ground. Taehyung had passed out from the fear he was feeling.

Footsteps were heard causing Yoongi to snap his head towards the noise. Just then, several men wearing the Werewolf army uniform burst into the house, followed by a tall, white haired man.

Namjoon's eyes widened as he looked at the scene before him. Three of his men were on the ground in pain, he was sure one of them was dead; while in the corner of the room a black haired male, blood running down the side of his face as he stood with an unconscious blonde in his arms. Namjoon was surprised by the overly dominant aura coming from the black haired male, who glared daggers at him.

"I would like to take a guess that you two are the hackers, that got into our database?" Namjoon inquired as he stepped forward, signalling his men to stand down.

"You guessed right." Yoongi replied in a bone chillingly cold tone. He held his brother closer, as a way to somehow protect him better.

"I would like you two, to come with me please. The King would like to speak with the two of you." Namjoon stated politely as he approached the shorter male.

"Maybe if your men hadn't attacked us, we might have went with you. But I'm not risking my little brother getting hurt because of his royal pain in the ass." Yoongi snapped at the white  haired male who stood shocked for a moment or two.

The room fell silent as Namjoon tried to think of a way to make the hackers come with him. Suddenly he got an idea.

"I deeply apologize for the actions of my men, sir. They were strictly instructed to come and bring you both to the palace, not to harm you." Namjoon said as he bowed apologetically to the man with the blonde in his arms.

"I would rather do this in a nice way, so can you please come with me to the palace. I can assure you that nothing will happen to your brother on the way there and depending on how you both speak to the King, I can assure you that no harm will be done." Namjoon rushed out calmly as he watched Yoongi stiffen.

Yoongi thought over it. Maybe he could just stay by his brothers side and never leave him. He hated the thought if being in the Werewolf Kings palace but it was better than his precious brother getting hurt.

"Okay. First, don't call me 'sir'. Second,  I'll go with you on one condition." He stated as Namjoon smiled lightly.

"And that is?" He asked.

"You let me clean myself and my brother up, and he doesn't get hurt. That's all." Yoongi said firmly, his voice laced with authority.

"As you wish. Now then, follow me to my car." Namjoon stated as he turned and started walking to his car, with Yoongi following slowly behind. Yoongi walked slowly as to not wake up his brother meanwhile carrying the blonde with so much care that Namjoon wanted to coo.

He got into the car and pulled Taehyung to lay on his lap as he stared out the window. Namjoon started the car and headed to the Palace.

This isn't going to be good. Was all Yoongi could think as he slowly saw the Werewolf King's Palace come into view.


Here's another chapter! Hope you're enjoying the story so far!


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