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Chapter 1...| Beginning

   The sound of computer keys clicking filled the tense, silent room as the blonde's calculating eyes scanned the screen while he successfully hacked into the street cameras that were placed at every street corner.

Finally getting passed the mainframe and the firewall, the blonde's lips curled up into a slight smile as he found what he was looking for.

Bingo- He thought.

There was footage of him and his brother running down the streets at an inhuman pace, makes sense since they're not human.

Careful not to get tracked, the boy deleted the footage before putting up barriers on his server and logging off his computer.

A long sigh left his plump, red lips as he stood up and made his way towards his living room, where he was sure his Hyung would be.

"Hyung~" He yawned as the dark haired figure on the couch moved slightly.

"Go away. I'm trying to sleep here." The male groaned, eyes closed as his brother sat down beside him, smiling from ear to ear.

"Yoongi hyung! I just saved our booties and this is how you thank me?" The blonde pouted, feigning anger as his brothers eyes shot open and he stared at him.

"What do you mean?" The dark haired male, known as Yoongi, asked.

"A street camera had footage of us running and our abilities were exposes so I deleted it, because if the King saw it we'd be dead." The blonde replied as he leaned back on the couch.

"Damn, I'd be dead right now if I didn't have you." Yoongi sighed as he let his brother curl into him and cuddle his side.

A smile playing at his lips as he felt his little brother relax and sigh in contentment. Slowly but surely his mind drifted off to the most painful time in their lives. The time when they lost everything...

They lost their parents, their family and friends, along with the rest of their kind. When the war between Humans, Werewolves and Vampires broke out, they were out numbered.
The Werewolves forced the humans into submission and which ever ones weren't killed or imprisoned; were forced to join the war and fight the Vampires. With their numbers rapidly declining, the Vampire King and Queen were forced to join the fight as well, only to be captured and killed a few hours later.

Soon after their demise, the Werewolves won the war, forcing any and all Vampires into imprisonment and any who rebelled were killed on the spot; as were the Werewolf King's orders. The ones who got away were hunted down and killed.. All except for two. The Vampire King and Queen had two sons, the last heirs of the Royal Blood Vampires. Before the King and Queen were captured, the Queen- who's name was Baekhyun- hid his sons in the Palace attic hoping and praying that they wouldn't be found while the Werewolves finally broke passed their defences.

Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut as he remembered the words that his Appa told him right before him and their father were taken away from them..
"Yoongi, my darling. Take care of your brother, protect him, and stay safe. You guys are the last Royal Bloods, you need to stay low and don't get captured..... I love you and your brother.. never forget that.." Baekhyun whispered as hot tears streamed down his face, before he left the attic and locked the entrance. He knows his parents were killed after that, he could feel their bond breaking and disappearing from the world.

Yoongi made a vow that night, almost one hundred years ago, while looking at the sleeping figure of his brother. He vowed to protect his little brother from any harm that could be done to him, which meant keeping him far away from any werewolf and keep their identities, scents and species hidden from the rest of the world.

Yoongi was pulled out of his dazed state when a soft sob rang in his ears. He snapped his eyes towards the source of the sound only to see his brother staring up at him, tears streaming down his cheeks, with sadness swimming in his gorgeous brown eyes.

"Taehyung ? Tae baby why are you crying?" Yoongi asked softly as he wiped his brothers tears.

"I-uh I c-could f-feel your s-sadness..h-hyung.. a-and I-I-I-I.." The small vampire broke into uncontrollable sobs before he could finished what he was saying.

"Shhh Taehyung, it's okay. Baby I'm okay." Yoongi replied in a soft voice as he hugged his brother closely.

Taehyung had always been a sensitive person, and being what he is, he could feel other people's emotions.. except for him, he felt them ten times stronger than the person who was actually experiencing it. So when he felt his brothers sadness, he couldn't contain himself.

"Taebear, I'll be okay. I love you." Yoongi whispered and kissed the top of his brothers head.

They stayed in that position, cuddled on the couch until Taehyung finally fell asleep, soft snores emitting from his lightly parted lips. Yoongi smiled down at his brother before allowing himself to drift off to sleep without fear of the Werewolf King who they successfully avoided for an entire century.

Little did they know.. their life as they know it was about to change..


Here's the first chapter of
'The Alpha's Mate'
Please comment on whatever you feel like!


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