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Chapter 9...| The Plan and the revelation

Once they made their way to the throne room, Yoongi and Taehyung noticed how tense Jungkook was.

"You wanted us to meet you here Kook?" Yoongi found himself asking as he pulled his brother towards the throne and stood in front of the ravenette.

"Alright, Taehyung has found some rather interesting information regarding the Warlock King. He plans on attacking me to take over our kingdom, however. That little blonde genius found out his plans and reported it to me immediately." Jungkook stated, a small smirk making its way onto his face as he noticed the light blush that dusted the blondes cheeks.

"What do you want to do?" Namjoon asked as he stepped forward, Jimin, Hoseok and Jin by his side as they went closer to their King. Jimin taking his position beside the King as the Alpha's Beta.

"We are going to expose the Warlock King. Do you remember when our spies visited and found out that thee Warlocks are the cause for the death of many Elves and Fairies? As well as how they tried to kill the Elven King. We are going to get our evidence and then expose them." Jungkook explained his plan throughly, it was simple; Expose the Warlock King and cut off all ties to them before they commence their plan of attacking the Werewolf King.

"Okay, that seems understandable. Where are we supposed to get evidence though? Like pictures and such." Jimin inquired as he turned to look at the king only to see him staring off somewhere else.

"That's the thing. Anyone have any suggestions on how to dig up my evidence?" The ravenette asked as he glanced at the six people in the throne room.

Everyone was silent as they thought up of how they could each help and how to find the evidence. It took a while for everyone to finally think of something until..

"Wait. Why doesn't Tae and Yoongi just hack them and get the evidence that way?" Jin spoke up, his face contorted in slight confusion as to why no one had thought of that.

Now all eyes were on the two Vampires. Taehyung could feel himself shaking with excitement to hack something and actually do something productive that wasn't just for fun, although all hacking was fun to him. Yoongi smiled softly as he set his eyes on his excited brother who had a sort or fondness and excitement swirling in his deep brown orbes.

"Well if you're up for it Taehyungie, than I don't mind doing it. How are the odds of us actually succeeding?" Yoongi questioned the younger who turned his attention to him.

"Of course I wanna hyung! And uh if we start now, the overall plan has a 99.9% chance of succeeding so I think we're good." Taehyung smiled as he watched everyone's eyes light up. The feeling of relief surged through him as the emotion wafted off of everyone in the room.

The blonde smiled softly until everything started to go slow motion. All sounds were blocked from his ears as all he could hear was the beating of his own heart. He was confused, he didn't know what was going on. He looked around slightly scared of what was happening until a scent hit him like a truck; Coffee and Fresh Rain. He was hit with so many emotions almost immediately making the blonde dizzy as he looked for the scent. He wanted to walk towards it, but he was stuck in place. All he could do was look around.

"Taehyungie, what's wrong?" Hoseok asked as he noticed the younger who had suddenly froze in his place and moved in front of him and bent towards his eye level.

"Tae?" Jimin gently spoke as he joined his mate in front of the blonde.

A low growl startled everyone as they snapped their heads towards the source only to see Jungkook, staring at the blonde with eyes a dangerous glowing red; although they didn't see anger in his eyes.

No, it was longing. Love. Adoration. And above all, the need to be possessive.

Taehyung's eyes suddenly turned it's brilliant bright electric blue and he could finally move. A deep sigh left his lips as he focused his eyes on the one person who held the intoxicating scent; Jungkook.

"MATE" The two said in perfect unison and in a flash Taehyung was in front of the Werewolf King with his neck bared in submission, waiting to be marked. Which Jungkook was glad to do.

The moment he sank his canines into the youngers neck, they fell into a euphoric state; focusing on nothing but each other. Jungkook slowly pulled away, gently licking over the mark he made in order to seal it.

"So you're my brothers mate." Yoongi was the first to speak as he eyed the ravenette.

"Seems like it." Jungkook chuckled and boy did that do things to the blonde.

"W-wait? Why do I only have one mate? I thought we had two?" Taehyung was confused and it just slipped out of his mouth. Unintentionally making Jungkook feel upset at the thought the he wasn't good enough for the blonde; but that wasn't the case.

"Tae, that just means that you and Jungkook are True Mates." Jin replied the younger who's eyes widened in surprise and happiness.

"YAY!" The childish cheer echoed through the throne room as the youngest latched himself onto his mate nearly squeezing the True Blood to death in his embrace.

The others laughed at the blondes actions as they watched how the two mates interacted. Jungkook kept a soft smile on his face as he ran his hands through the blondes fluffy hair.

Yoongi was happy for his brother and astonished all the same. He never expected them to be mated to the one thing they hated for an entire century; Werewolves. But he couldn't be more happier with his two beloved mates and the fond smile that decorated his brothers face was enough to make him trust the Werewolf King.

"Jungkook. Hurt my brother and we're gonna have a problem. Got it?" Yoongi warned but his warning went on deaf ears as Jungkook was too mesmerized with the beautiful Blue Royal Blood Vampire in his embrace.

Suddenly Taehyung pulled out of the embrace and bolted out of the room confusing everyone, only to run back in with something in his hands. It was his scent-masking perfume.

"I think this is why it took so long for me to sense you. It has a stronger effect on me than it does on Yoongi-hyung so I think it took longer to wear off." Taehyung explained as he put the bottle in his pocket.

"Oh! I'd love to stay and hug you but me and Hyungie should get to work if we still want the upper hand in this." The blonde stated as he grabbed his brother and sped out of the throne room and to the computer room leaving everyone else behind.

"I'm so whipped." Jungkook murmured earning chuckles from everyone in the throne room but he didn't care.

He finally found his mate. A smart, special, hacker who was as precious as the moon itself. If not more.

Jeon Jungkook was undoubtedly, undeniably, incredibly whipped for the little Vampire and he was absolutely loving it.


Honestly have no idea where I'm going with this story. Buuuuut I wanted to get all the ships out there already before any action takes place. Tbh I prefer Yoonmin over Yoonminseok but by the time I realised it, I couldn't change it because it would change the little plot I have for the story. Please bare with me, I know it's not the best but I hope it gets better.

I've been trying hard lately due to the fact that three of my books were deleted and I don't know why so frustration is a big mood at the moment. Sorry for the wait!


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