17 -M-

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Chapter 17| Just a tad bit spicy eh?

The group had spent the rest of the night making sure the silverette was really okay and that he was comfortable. Jungkook spent the entire time by his mates side, hand in hand. Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok had decided to leave the room earlier than Namjoon and Jin as they wanted to make sure they were well rested in order to help the silverette with anything the latter may need the next day.

And after much pleading and reassurance from the small vampire, Namjoon was finally able to drag Jin out of the room. The rest of the night was spent with the Werewolf King hugging his mate closely before drifting off to sleep.



The morning came rather quickly as the sun peaked through the cracks in the Kings curtain, causing a stream of light to shine directly on the small vampires face. Feeling the warmth of the sun on his face, Taehyung slowly but surely woke up and was welcomed by the scent of his mate surrounding him in a cloud of what he could only describe as his personal heaven. A smile made its way on his face as he glanced up at his mate who had his arm wrapped firmly around his petite waist, the Werewolf Kings grip not loosening once.

It was as if he had sensed that his mate had woken because within a few minutes, Jungkook was awake and smiling softly at his mate. Their eyes connected and they felt their world stop as if it was just the two of them.. that was until their bedroom door burst open revealing Jimin, Jin, and Hoseok all carrying food and clothes for the Blue Royal blood Vampire.

"Up and at 'em guys! The pack doctor called, he'll be coming in earlier so you need to get up and get dressed. And maybe try to eat something." Jin ordered and chuckled as Jungkook growled at them for interrupting the lovely moment he was having with his beloved mate.

"Kookie, its okay. We can be together later, I just need to get dressed and eat. It's not like they'll try to kill me or anything." Taehyung giggled lightly as his mate huffed before kissing his forehead and pulling away. The Werewolf King rolled his eyes as Jimin stuck his tongue out at him as he left his room, leaving his mate with his best friends mates.

After getting dressed and eating only one bite of toast, Taehyung was led out of his bedroom by Jimin, Hoseok, and Jin and was brought to the living room/lounge area where their mates were.

"Hey Taebear, how are you feeling?" Yoongi asked as he appeared beside the younger. Taehyung smiled at his hyung and hugged him tightly.

"I'm okay, just a little tired." The younger responded, earning a nod before everyone snapped their heads towards the door at the sound of the knock.

Namjoon, who happened to be by the door, opened the door only to reveal the pack doctor who stood by the door with a smile.

"Goodmorning, your Highness." The Doctor bowed as he entered the living room.

Yoongi signalled for the others to follow him into the kitchen and they did, leaving the King, his beloved mate, and the doctor in the living room.

"Shall we head up to your chambers? It would be best if this was done in private." The doctor said, causing Jungkook to growl lowly but stopped when Taehyung clung to his arm.

Once they had gotten to the room, the doctor began the exam after introducing himself as Choi Junyee and explained everything as he did it.

"Now I know this might be uncomfortable but I need you to remove your shirt, Queen Luna." Jungkook growled as Taehyung flushed, feeling embarrassed by the request but obeyed nonetheless.

"Don't worry, my King. I just need to examine the stab wound, that's all." Dr. Junyee explained causing Jungkook to nod as he watched with narrowed eyes from the corner of the room. Taehyung smiled softly as he could feel his mate's possessiveness and jealousy radiating towards him.

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