Crazy Talk

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"I need to go some where. So, I'll drop you off at your friends house that way you won't be with our parents." I said.

Lo said "So, like a free day!"

I said "Exactly."

Lo smiled and I asked "Aren't you cold?"

Lo said "No but I see you are. Even though you ran alot."

I said "I know right. Anyways, your bodyguard will be with you just in case."

Lo nodded and they left. I said "Drive me to Suga's house please."

My bodyguard nodded and he drove me to his house.

I got off the car and knocked on the door nervously. His parents opened the door and we greeted eachother.

"Can I see Suga?" I asked as I walked in.

His father said "He's in his room. Goodluck trying to talk to him."

I said "Is there something wrong?"

His mother said "He hasn't came out of his room."

I said "Ok I will go up to his room, thank you."

I went up and knocked on his door. No one responded or opened. I continued to knock on the door.

"Who is it? Go away!" Suga said.

I rolled my eyes as he didn't even let me speak and continued to knock again.

Suga opened the door and it was so dark inside his room. I couldn't even see where I was walking. I went to his curtains as I saw a little bit of light. I opened them and turned to see Suga lay down. He put the blanket over his head and said "Close the curtains."

I said "I came to talk to you."

Suga didn't say anything.

I said "Look I been talking to Meri my therapist and me just going back to that house made me react like that. I hope you understand but I talked to her again. I'm terrified of getting married and having kids. Everything, I went through made me like this and its still not easy for me."

I sighed and said "Sometimes I feel like I'll never be able to overcome my fears and I don't want to drag you into anything. That's why I just want to let you go even though I love you so much."

Suga took off the blanket over his face and looked at me with an unreadable face.

I said "I do want to get married to you but I'm scared I'll turn into one of my parents or both of them. I know we're like Lo's parents but I just don't want to hurt you."

I looked away and said "I'm sorry I may push you away sometimes but I know how it feels to be hurt. I don't want to hurt you or anybody. I just want everyone to be happy and most importantly you."

Suga got off the bed and my heart rate started to raise quickly. He came over to me and said "You know I would never hurt you or Lo."

I looked at him and said "I know you wouldn't. You're the perfect guy and I'm not perfect."

Suga chuckled and said "We're nothing like your parents and if we ever do act like them. We'll be here for eachother and we'll get help together. Lo is happy and so are we. We have this under control."

I Don't Want To Hurt You- Suga Where stories live. Discover now